Where did they go?

[COLOR=f0f0f0]frelling vandals[/COLOR]


I’m often a vandal… but to vandalize a vandal’s post??? that’s pretty cute.

I thought mine to the board was pretty good too. Ah well. We have no one to blame but ourselves I suppose.

oh yeah the vandals. The bastards. :stuck_out_tongue:

You people creep me out. Seriously…LOL. But I still love you

OH NO!!!

Wait… I find it kinda creepy that you find me dreamy. Not because your a guy (after all… Ilyas is dreamy), but because you said I have a big sht eating smile. Well that’s gross, but it is even grosser that you think my mouth of sht is dreamy.

NAR NAR! (still have no clue what that means) :stuck_out_tongue:


roflmao… I don’t think that we’re allowed to do that Phill. I’m not starting a god thread here… just don’t think that he would look to kindly upon a poligamous homosexual marriage. :slight_smile:

I’m happy stalking Kit and Reni thank you very much. :slight_smile:

strange, where did these posts go? OH well - it’s all for the good I guess :wink:

Now, we can put some real trouble makers’s threads in here. This is a lot better than deleting them - at least we’ll have evidence when people such as rynoe act like they did nothing :slight_smile:

Kirupa :rambo:

*Originally posted by david *
**roflmao… I don’t think that we’re allowed to do that Phill. I’m not starting a god thread here… just don’t think that he would look to kindly upon a poligamous homosexual marriage. :slight_smile:

I’m happy stalking Kit and Reni thank you very much. :slight_smile: **

So I can’t stalk Ilyas in hopes of a poligamous homosexual marriage ?? :frowning:

I guess that is ok, he wants to marry Senocular anyway :frowning:

I don’t want to marry Sen anymore, he won’t answer my phone calls :*( I think I’m going to have a nervous breakdown :crazy: