[COLOR=f0f0f0]frelling vandals[/COLOR]
I’m often a vandal… but to vandalize a vandal’s post??? that’s pretty cute.
I thought mine to the board was pretty good too. Ah well. We have no one to blame but ourselves I suppose.
oh yeah the vandals. The bastards.
You people creep me out. Seriously…LOL. But I still love you
OH NO!!!
Wait… I find it kinda creepy that you find me dreamy. Not because your a guy (after all… Ilyas is dreamy), but because you said I have a big sht eating smile. Well that’s gross, but it is even grosser that you think my mouth of sht is dreamy.
NAR NAR! (still have no clue what that means)
roflmao… I don’t think that we’re allowed to do that Phill. I’m not starting a god thread here… just don’t think that he would look to kindly upon a poligamous homosexual marriage.
I’m happy stalking Kit and Reni thank you very much.
strange, where did these posts go? OH well - it’s all for the good I guess
Now, we can put some real trouble makers’s threads in here. This is a lot better than deleting them - at least we’ll have evidence when people such as rynoe act like they did nothing
Kirupa :rambo:
*Originally posted by david *
**roflmao… I don’t think that we’re allowed to do that Phill. I’m not starting a god thread here… just don’t think that he would look to kindly upon a poligamous homosexual marriage.
I’m happy stalking Kit and Reni thank you very much. **
So I can’t stalk Ilyas in hopes of a poligamous homosexual marriage ??
I guess that is ok, he wants to marry Senocular anyway
I don’t want to marry Sen anymore, he won’t answer my phone calls :*( I think I’m going to have a nervous breakdown :crazy: