You have to read this

Did anyone hear about the little girl that got expelled from her school about a week after Columbine? She had a chain that connected her keys to her belt-loop because if she didn’t have that she would lose her keys. The chain was 3 inches long and less than a quarter of an inch thick. The kicked her out because they said she was carrying a weapon.

in my school they made us all have clear backpacks after that. but dude, seriously, a weapon??? hysteria much???

Golgi: I do agree with you with society being quick to label with a disorder. Its the same situation with my moms boyfriends son. They claim he has all these mental problems, but really, he acts the way he does because he doesn’t get disciplined or punished for anything he does. He is just spoiled. This was proven by my mom when she wathced him for a while and started laying down rules and he had to obey them. He was perfectly fine. She left and everything went back the way it was.

So with that… I completely agree with you on that.

Jubba: We weren’t allowed to wear those chains in my school either, they would be confuscated. We also had to scan ID cards through a scanner, go through a metal detector and put all our belongings through an X-Ray machine just to get into school.

yeah i knwo a lot of schools had security measures, but they expelled her. Kicked her out of school completely and she was only like 11 years old…

Ohhh, they expelled her? I thought they just kicked her out for that day, my school has done stuff like that.

Now that I reread, I see you actually did say expelled, musta skimmed over that somehow. Well thats kinda stupid.

only in america…

i cant beleve that he got arrested and brought to jail. i think that that is going way to far.