this is crazy.:stunned:
this is crazy.:stunned:
Oh my…
The kid shoulda listened…
[SIZE=1](oh, btw, I hate kids, so my opinion might just be a bit harsh )[/SIZE]
I’m with you on that lost - that’ll teach him not to disrespect the teachers.
whenever a young kid like that gets in serious trouble, the parents should be punished just as much as the kid…
geeez people, you don’t have to be so harsh…why should the parents be blamed? he has a disorder, they can’t help that…and how can they arrest someone that young? even slap on the handcuffs…totally wrong!!! :!:
what the! for the love of… who in their right m… what is this world coming t… Thats friggen recoculous. The kid is 12! -just out of elementary school, or even sitll IN elementary school depending on the setuop there. I was doing that when I was 15 - at school… on my friends… and the kids I didnt know! Of course I tried to avoid my teacher or else Id get detention. Yeah, DETENTION - NOT JAIL! HES TWELVE! Puddles are fun! If you’re 12 and you havent jumped in a puddle THEN you deserve to go to jail. Man. I mean, kids have done sooooooo much worse at school and usually get off with a warning or lunch detention or something. Oooo lunch detention, thats scary!
I think they just need to bring back the paddle. My elementary school princ had a paddle in his office. He never used it, but he made sure that anyone that came in knew it was there. We were a darn fine bunch of kids, let me tell you.
jail. pffft. whats is Florida coming to?
society throws some kind of disorder on everything nowadays. yeah, some people have legitimate problems. but i’m so darn sick of it being ‘trendy’ to have a complex. it’s now ‘chic’ to have a shrink, meds, and some kind of mental problems.
it didn’t used to be so easy… ya know, people actually had to work to solve their issues, not slam down a few prozac…
oh wait, total tanget there… well, not total…
my main point is, if he has a legitimate hyperactivity problem, then #1 he has issues that need to be worked out in his heart and in his head, and the parents are not taking adequate means to assist him. if he is acting out, and at such a young age, he is not nearly as responsible for his actions as you or i as an adult are. at that age, so much is govorned by nurture that any serious problems (excluding something genetic and horrible etc. ) are a direct result form either what his parents do TO him, or what they DON’T do FOR him when he needs assistance in anger management, or growing up, or anything that kids go through.
also, #2 if his teacher was that f***ed up to get a kid in trouble for stepping in a puddle, the obviously he should be fired, and the parents, if they don’t take action now to take that horrible man out of his position, then they should be hit. that’s IF he is legitimately messed up in the head. howEVER, ALSO, I have worked with mentally disabled and ditrubed children and the like before, and NEVER have i seen a colleage or some1 else in that feild who would arrest a kid for stepping in a puddle if he had a problem. (i’m not saying it doesnt happen, im just saying i don’t think it’s too often) which leads me to believe that the parents are lying sacks of poo, and they are jsut making excuses for their incompetance at aiding their child.
this sounds dodgy
The inmates had access to him.
poor boy…
he he
ok…thats like me going to jail! (an let me tell you i would have f’ed those ppl up b4 i went to jail!)
So you’re saying that its trendy for me to have the problems that I have?
Yeah. I can tell you one thing, if I went to jail at that age, I would have turned into a criminal. I mean, right there Im tainted for life. Society has deemed me a criminal, so for that, I will be one - all out of spite and that kind of treatment.
Question for clarification: Say you do illegal things, but never get caught… are you still a criminal?
no, im not saying it’s trendy for someone to have legitimate problems, i’m saying that in society everyone rushes to put a label on everything nowadays, theres more presricption commercials then ailements it seems like, and in general, thes influences are making people become more hypochondriacs, and also less self-helping. i’m not tryin to point any fingers, but its so true. i’m not tryin to insult anyone who has a problem. and about the trendy thing, some people, yes, they do feel like it’s trendy. why do i know this? because i’ve known these people. around the time i was in high school, at least in my area, was around when i started noticing it. it’s like around the mid 90’s when all of a sudden it was cool to be bi. it’s fadlike, which is grotesque because if anything , it takes away from people with real issues.
yea why not, you committed a crime
*Originally posted by Jubba *
**Question for clarification: Say you do illegal things, but never get caught… are you still a criminal? **
“if a tree falls in the forest…”
i think some laws are crap, and whether you r a criminal or not should be determined by not what laws you break, but the level of immorality of the things you do. smokin weed is one thing, raping children is another…
good point. About your “more prescriptions than ailments” statement. Its true, but I was watching TV the other day and I actually did hear a drug say that some of the side effects were fatal. Can’t remember what drug it was but I started laughing so hard…
holy crap, i haven’t heard fatal b4… but i do find it amusing that for a simple decongestant, possible side effects are nausea, dry mouth, diarreha, sore throuat, rash, headaches, and sometimes seizures. haha. i’d rather be congested.
Well since the little lad didn’t listen to the teachers not to jump into the mud puddles at school he probably didn’t listen to the cops when they said to keep the soap on a roap in jail
I think they were a bit harsh on the kid. At most they should of given him timeout.
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