"You sure are cute when you're psychopathic."

Alright, to complete my initiancy to this here board, I submit for your Approval/Criticism/Open Laughter and Jeering a picture of an annoyed elf-princess. She can wield magic, I think.

Doodled while de-stressing in opencanvas, while daydreaming about the new zelda I don’t have.

Evaluate! Go! Yes!

won’t have because you don’t have gamecube! Loser!

you made that while ‘de-stressing’?!!?

…I can’t draw that well when I try.

She looks pretty mad. Cause you won’t be playing Zelda, probably.

bows to god
Criticism it is, then.

The blue streaks on her face could EEEEASILY be substituted for something less wierd. Why blue? Her face isn’t blue. That might be purple, I don’t know.

Her left arm (right side of the picture) is so jiggidy! I know you love your wacom, but you got it so you could improve your drawings with the combination of computer and hand-drawn! That could be smoother looking.
(Ahem, I withdraw this comment, because it’s pretty smooth, I was just looking for things to pick at. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: )

Her left hand, right side of picture, again, needs more shadow, because it looks like it’s been chopped in half and is pressed up against her thigh. Shadow!

You asked for it.

Okay, I did ask for it. Thats right, I did. I just had a little crying fit just now. No, I’m okay now. Okay. I fixed the picture. For you. It’s much better. sniff

Now work on a comic, since you have so much time on your hands, Missy.

I wrote like 3, or something, didn’t I?

The dressing one, and the water one that didn’t make sense… and maybe I different one…

out of curiosity, what was used to create this, traditional and digital mediums, or just one or the other??

xmattx first time i’ve seen u on the board. I checked out your stuff. I have to say i liked most of what i saw. You got soem real talent in my opionon(what ever that is worth). Hope to see u around here more.

As for the drwaing nice for a un intentional piece. A little dispropotioned but nice never the less. I would maybe fix her left hand.