Alright, to complete my initiancy to this here board, I submit for your Approval/Criticism/Open Laughter and Jeering a picture of an annoyed elf-princess. She can wield magic, I think.
Doodled while de-stressing in opencanvas, while daydreaming about the new zelda I don’t have.
The blue streaks on her face could EEEEASILY be substituted for something less wierd. Why blue? Her face isn’t blue. That might be purple, I don’t know.
Her left arm (right side of the picture) is so jiggidy! I know you love your wacom, but you got it so you could improve your drawings with the combination of computer and hand-drawn! That could be smoother looking.
(Ahem, I withdraw this comment, because it’s pretty smooth, I was just looking for things to pick at. )
Her left hand, right side of picture, again, needs more shadow, because it looks like it’s been chopped in half and is pressed up against her thigh. Shadow!
Okay, I did ask for it. Thats right, I did. I just had a little crying fit just now. No, I’m okay now. Okay. I fixed the picture. For you. It’s much better. sniff
xmattx first time i’ve seen u on the board. I checked out your stuff. I have to say i liked most of what i saw. You got soem real talent in my opionon(what ever that is worth). Hope to see u around here more.
As for the drwaing nice for a un intentional piece. A little dispropotioned but nice never the less. I would maybe fix her left hand.