You're out

Last night our family got into a big argument. We aren’t the best kids to have, but they aren’t the best parents either. Coming home angry from stupid business deals and taking their sh*t out on us. We don’t want to hear it. Its a really complicated situation, but as far as either party is concerned, they think they are right and don’t want to hear the other side. So things ALWAYS go down hill in these arguments to the point where the family almost breaks up.

Argument was going down as usual last night when they told me to get out of the house. Same with my sister (my other sister seemingly escaped this, but she too has had enough).

I am 16, dealing with school, jobless (i’ve had one before but ive been trying to get my freelance gig off the road to supplement this). I have fifty bucks in my wallet and my parents will prolly be reluctant to sign for me to withdraw from my low reserves in the bank. Things were just beginning to look up. I sorted out my domain name problems, was building up a portfolio, about to apply for an ABN/DBA to work as a sole trader. Now this has messed it all up.

Going to centrelink and getting some kind of an allowance for living away from home may take weeks. Getting a part time job and being established in it may take too long. I basically have this weekend then I don’t know where it goes from here. I’m completely fed up with having to deal with my parents and want out myself.

There’s about $4k worth of hardware and software in my posession, the money loaned to me by my parents. An ‘investment’ to my future if you will. Because of study and going overseas and sh*t I have not been able to pay it back last year. I’ve really been pigeon-holed and they probably won’t let me leave with it. But its desperately needed if I want to get my freelance act together.

My sisters have boyfriends to stay with. I’m about as lifeless as it gets. Only two good friends who I would consider asking for help, but I honestly dont want to burden them, they have enough on their own plates. I do recall Matthewjumps in some similar situation. I’m a good kid. I get good grades. For the past few years in high school there has never been a time when I have not attended the academic award ceremony to receive whatever. I received the junior dux and I’m the classic nerd. My stupid asian parents though.

I dont normally post or ask for help, but it was pretty intense last night and I was calling people up trying to figure it out for myself. I dont know what to do.

Is it legal for me to live on my own at 16? While i’m here, do I have to be a certain age to start a small business (abn/dba)?

I am considering waiting it out. Everyone should have calmed down so I can organise myself and leave in a more controlled manner. But staying at my folks’ place is not good for the long term, things will just go back on itself.

[edit: dont have a car either. I’d love to live in my car, but yea.]