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I like it…
holy crap Rev wtf is that…:q: don’t tell me its what i think it is :beam:
lol I agree, pure naked spam-idge!
Looks like Guig0 is bored so lets make something useful out of this thread, can’t let it go to waste! What do you guys do when you are bored?
I either write films because I’m a media student, write stories or the such like or play games, I just got Hitman 2, anyone else got it?
- Soul :goatee:
I played Hitman 1…i like it very much …anyways to continue the spirit of this thread
Hitman 2 is way harder! I know thats hard to believe lol :beam:
- Soul :goatee:
lol, with hitman 2 i completely gave up on stealth and killed everybody on sight. it is a hard game. i like my fast-paced FPSs like quake and UT. Soldier of Fortune 1/2 is ok, but at times redundant.
yea i rather play Quake 3 or even ut23k as it has become much more quake like…anyone here ever play Deus Ex or No One Lives Forever? those are 2 single players games i simply adore…can’t forget GTA3…
thor, i too luv family guy, its sad they had to cancel it…it was SO dam funny!!! and what the heck does in cognito mean…i’ve heard it somewhere
Cognito is right next to Communicado…
\Incog"nito, a. or adv. [It. incognito, masc., incognita, fem., L. incognitus unknown; pref. in- not + cognitus known, p. p. of cognoscere: cf. F. incognito, fr. It. See Cognition.] Without being known; in disguise; in an assumed character, or under an assumed title; – said esp. of great personages who sometimes adopt a disguise or an assumed character in order to avoid notice.
'T was long ago Since gods come down incognito. --Prior.
The prince royal of Persia came thither incognito. --Tatler.
edit: from dictionary.com
but i’m not in “incognito” but in “cognito”…
i’m not trying to disguise…
whatever that means i guess it would be true
anyone here ever played an old school game called Tribes, or even heard of it lol
cam out back in 98 and was wonderin if anyone still played
Is Tribes 2 as popular as Tribes? i dunno bout you, but i can’t wait for quake 4 and doom 3…i’m dying for them
personally i hate tribes2 i am die hard tribes1 dude
i cant wait for doom either
quake will be eh
anyone hear of that new duke nukem they are coming out with
Anybody play UC? i want more buddies to play with…