Normally I’m never creating this metal interface styles and this future looks. But I wanted to give it a try.
If people really like it, I can maybe work the design further out in Flash MX and make it somewhat cooler then just a picture.
If I proceed with this design, I have allready worked things out for this like the middle will be opened with a special metallock and some other flashy things.
Plz don’t mind that the picture isn’t centered on the page and that the backgroundlines sucks I was to lazy.
The whole thing is made in photoshop, wow, my favorite program together with illustrator.
Ok Fire YOUR comments! lol and thanks for reviewing.
that looks really good, it looks like you’ve really practiced your interfaces alot. the layout and nav is simple, and its origional. really good work.:thumb:
Yepz, you are definitely right, thanks for helping and giving the tutorial to make more nice wires.
NOw i’m really in the mood to make the site even cleaner, designing is so fun, someone help, I have the designbug, lol .:trout:
btw sintax, u know how I always get to correct yer spelling boo-boo’s? Well… I found one on that paintball site you showed earlier in this thread Under prices… I read
“Private games available for groups of 15 or more and require adeposit and reservation.”
should be “a deposit” =) with a space in between =)
lol i love having my own personal spellchecker around. Makes life so much easier. I’m sure there is even more on that site. It was jsut an experimant site really so i didn’t do to much text editing.
Do me a favor and go through all my other sites and find some more i;m sure they could use them lol