Here’s a concept interface design - not sure if I posted this here already or not. Anyways its a fun one and 100% photoshop:
Here’s a close up image of the main section:
I love it. Particularly the bottom one.
both look really cool. they are really smooth and metallic looking too. nice job.
looks pretty cool, now flash those babies up.
Yeah, they’re really look cool, but there’s already a site with these kinda buttons. And the rollover too :-\
yeah I have seen this concept b4 also but you have done a nice job
*Originally posted by Voetsjoeba *
**Yeah, they’re really look cool, but there’s already a site with these kinda buttons. And the rollover too :-\ **
Which site is this? I would like to take a look. Voetsjoeba, do you have a link?
Can’t really remember it … I’ll edit this post when I’ve found it. but you’ll 've seen it before too. It has three liquid buttons, with three letter on them. In the middle was this one with the W, which stood for work. When you’d rollover, the metal faded away and a menu came up inside the button.
Thnx for the replies -
As for the one with three buttons I’ve seen that too…this is a different concept. I liked that site though. This one I want to implement into flash somehow…and the basic concept of it is kind of like a pokemon ball I guess. The metal on the outside is a sci-fi translucent metal that interacts with electricity - once you click the button the ball turns translucent and opens up to a spinning world or something…maybe a Master Control Center with electricity shooting out. Then a light turns on - a blue light and an interface comes up…kind of like the simple interface that you see on the Sonique player. I gotta draw three more of those bad boys to implement into flash and animate. I got it sliced for flash but for now its too large to import .png’s. Might have to redraw it in illustrator or something like that - I thought about 3dsmax but I’m a little bit fresh in knowing how to use it.
Oh yea and the site I believe your talking about is this one:
I can see the inspiration from that site but I think he is safe to use his idea without being called a rip. His looks pretty darn nice
your ideas and debauer look nothing alike. Go for it, I like yours.
well ith the grad around it and if he uses 3 buttons some will feel that…but there is nothing wrong with inspiration and I am with “UN” I like yours a lot better especially if you do alll the stuff you say you are. go fo it!!
Sexy as hell :beam:
*Originally posted by Shazmax *
**Oh yea and the site I believe your talking about is this one: **
I remember that site now, but I don’t really see any resemblance to the interface you’ve designed.
Now hurry up and flash it up!!
Yea I never drew any inspiration from this site - this was just the site that someone was saying that it looked like. I like the site but I actually drew most of this out on a pad of paper for an idea. Just for the record. Hehehehehe. So in no way does my concept resemble this other site, that’s why I posted it up so peple can verify that.
those look a bit alike. but i love them still! great job do it@!