1st (and a half) flash website Y'all


Only the Playlist and homepage work at the moment, placeholder text has been used

Any comments/criticsm would be welcome

Im trying to get the mp3 player to unload when u pull the song out of the box, anyone have any ideas?

thanks all:)


wow! your good at vector art! I would say more vector art and a bit less gradients, I really like your site but the blurred pixel fonts rip a chunk out of your great art.

That first picture on the home page is pretty :smiley:

[EDIT] I think something else that takes away from the design is the shape tween, your drawings are a little too complex (which is the good part about them) to shape tween and make the shape tween look right. [/EDIT]

oh, thanks for that mike, i dunno wat happened to my pixel fonts, they are on integer coordinates but the are bnlurre, maybe ill try fix it up soon, too busy now.
cheers :slight_smile:


Nice art man :slight_smile:
I liked the colors a lot!

humm, dunno why, but i think that chick is sexy

nice work

yes, pixel fonts do that, it is sooo annoying

try putting them on sup coordinants with odd numbers
EX) if x10.0 and y10.0 blurrs try x10.3 and y10.3 or x10.5 and y 10.7

just keep entering new digits, you’ll get the hang of it and you’ll be able to just enter the tenths place digit instantly