Hey guys!
Well, this is my first site-check post for my 2nd Flash website. I’d like to state at this point that it is FAR FROM FINSIHED - as u’ll soon see!!! I just wanted sum comments on the layout of it so far, if possible!
Hey guys!
Well, this is my first site-check post for my 2nd Flash website. I’d like to state at this point that it is FAR FROM FINSIHED - as u’ll soon see!!! I just wanted sum comments on the layout of it so far, if possible!
looks cool! you should probably have more sounds when the boxes open i think though, i know you have a few already but maybe a few more will make it better? test it i’m not sure
the layouts pretty nice but maybe some more color would be good? or maybe change the blue background color in the html thing (not the flash) to soemthing else
I think you have a spelling error. //communtiy??
sorry to say dear friend!! But please change your server. When I
visited its down. And tried to see your site 5 time.
Its not your fault. But I just want you to know this ting…
best of luck.
bye bye
I’ve been to his site 2 times already and it works just fine for me. I said this already, but I’ll say it again, Pjc4real, your site is nice. I really like the brush metal effect you did, real clean job. =)
hey, that site looks great, hey can you tell me which font you used for the menu and the words? -thanks
Hey guys - sorry I did’nt reply - I WASNT NOTIFIED BY EMAIL AS NORMAL!!!
Neways, I appreciate the comments! Thnx a load! The name kre8tiv-i is not actually where my site is hosted - it just points (cloaked web redirection!!)<:} to my free site, which is probably why sumtimes the problems occur. As electrongeek famously sed (I forget where!!): “When I get paid - I’ll fix it!!!” :beam:
As for th fonts, they are sum pixel fonts from… I’m not sure where!! The one for the nav bar is called:
and the header one
Search around for pixel fonts - that what I did (using google!!!)
OH - how could I forget - THNX JT!! I didnt spot that, or no1 else has so far as far as I know- u must hav a sharp eye!! I’ll get on2 that!
thanks for giving the font names! i appreciate it!
-Happy Flashin’
*Originally posted by Pjc4real *
**OH - how could I forget - THNX JT!! I didnt spot that, or no1 else has so far as far as I know- u must hav a sharp eye!! I’ll get on2 that! **
No problem,just a heads up thing.
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