2000 Posts w00t!

congrats Rev! sry for the misleading title but it draws ppl in. lol. but congrats! i was wating for this all day…but i missed it by 10…lol.

thanks Mike.

I would never create a thread like this myself… :evil:


np, thats what the watchful eye is fore.

I have along way to 2000!

remember that posts mean nothing… but if we are counting, i got just a few more till 400 :bad:

*Originally posted by mdipi.com *
**remember that posts mean nothing… but if we are counting, i got just a few more till 400 :bad: **

Sorry, had to laugh at the hypocritical statement coming from the Spaminator!

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Congrats Rev, let’s celebrate by kicking Phil!! =)

2000! I’m probably the most pathetic Kirupian… Where am I? 400?

Again with picking on Phil! Leave Phil alone!

Maybe I do one sentence per post, I’d catch up! C:-)

good idea Ren, i’ma try that as well…hehe

anyways, congrats Rev aka Translucent Man

*Originally posted by Makaveli *
good idea Ren, i’ma try that as well…hehe

Your post count looks fine to me Mak…


well, it is hypoctitical, but i was just joining in…lol

thanks Ya’ll…

and leave Phil alone…

I kick him enough…



Relax, everyone is not out to get you.

every other one is…


wouldn’t that make you only half paranoid?



Congrats mdipi (-:


Mdipi was w00ting for me…

my 2000th post…

he still has around 400 to go…


Sorry Rev… I am soooo tired right now. I am going to go off to bed real soon.

But since I screwed up… you get the post count party…

ACK!!! Kirupa must have changed the URL to the images

I must rebuild it!!!

(later though… too tired now)

[Edit by Lostinbeta] Hey would ya look at that! The images work again! YAY, no reason to root through and get the new URLs[/Edit]