Yes, and all this after a separate speech earlier emphasizing the need for separation of church and state . . . :sigh:
It’s true for the Democrats also. Most of the Dems. are against the war in Iraq, yet Kerry and the speakers at the DNC were for it
EDIT: both parties are trying to target the more moderate independents as opposed to the extremists that come and spectate at the DNC and RNC.
Pomme - yeah, so much for both parties wanting a positive, uplifting campaign
I just heard on TV that there’s been a survey here in Denmark where they asked “If you could vote in the US election, who would you vote for?”. 11% said they’d vote for Bush and 72% said they’d vote for Kerry.
Are the other 17% voting for Nader?
They probably said they’d vote for Schwarzenegger…
I don’t think those number will change how you cast your vote, but I think they pretty accurately reflect how people in Denmark view the candidates. Including myself…
try that all around the world… If the whole world voted, I wouldn’t be surprised if Kerry won 85% - 15%… But that won’t happen…
I hope nader will act a little smarter this time =)
Thats another thing to consider about this election… Due to the fact that the US policy has such far reaching implications, the whole world is effected by the leaders that we elect to represent us, and thus, it is very important that we make INFORMED decisions on election day…
And by informed, i don’t mean thouroughly saturated with just one side of the story. You must open your eyes and ears to all sides of the arguement, and make up your own mind about who you want to support based on their policies and ideals, not simply because you dislike the other guy more…
EDIT: Apparently Kerry isn’t the only one who FLIP-FLOPS…
“This battle will take time and resolve. But make no mistake about it: we will win.”
- George W Bush, September 12, 2001
“Can we win the war on terror? I don’t think you can win it.” - Bush, August 31, 2004
I think the Prez clarified a few hours later when he said that he meant that you can’t win in a “conventional” sense.
EDIT: I think the bigger issue with Kerry’s flip-flops is that he actually passes legislation and overrides his earlier legislation with a contradictory one later.
Oh darn, there i go again, interpreting the presidents words in the literal sense, when i should have just waited for the follow up press release that clarifies exactly what he means when he answers questions all by himself…
MLK - “I hope nader will act a little smarter this time”
I dont understand that comment… Care to enlighten me?? :hat:
Well isn’t it because (well, I shouldn’t say ‘because’) of him that gore lost in the last election ? Because he refused to give his votes to gore when things looked bad ?
I’m sorry if this is inacurrate I was much younger during the last elections and I haven’t followed them closely, just went through a few articles.
Now I know his policy is far away from Gore or Kerry’s, but to stop bush from getting the presidency he might have teamed up with the democrats.
Depending on who you talk to, there are a variety of reasons that the election turned out the way it did, so to get into it would really open up a can of worms…
oh amos - dont forget that whole resolution from the first gulf war that has given us the right to invade the country of iraq every year since then - just based on how he ran the country and the crimes he committed against his own people…
after all of that - …
people forget the meat of the matter.
Bush all the way -
Kerry is a social chameleon and that is weak character.
Lets not get in to that, PR, your not completle correct or wrong, its a super subjective argument, basicaly it was a diplomatic failure from both sides, we had the right to invade only if there was NON-compliance, no one was ready for Partial-compliance.
But in my view Iraq was just a dumb move by GW, lack of planning, lack of inteligence, lack of support it really shows how incompetant he is, but thats not all, the lack of funding in his AIDS promise, the shortsighness of his global policies plans.
Kerry is a social chameleon and that is weak character
I agree, but to be fair lets not forget that Bush was against a independant 9/11 comitee…then he was for it… he was against testifing…then he did, he was against implementing the comission report… and no he is for it… and…I said it before: does no-one remeber that he asked the Brazilian prime minister if they had black people!!??
Kerry is no saint, but you got to admit Bush is not too bright either.
i think people get too carried away with this - i mean there’s this whole “movement” against the guy - in my eyes - yes it is serious - but its not as serious as everyone is making it -
we had the right to invade, we had the power, we had the cause, i mean i have yet to hear how someone would have “done it differently.”
everyone just complains and complains…
at least Bush does things, he acts, does what he says, and moves - clear and simple…people are making this too much of a school yard fight.
we had the right to invade, we had the power, we had the cause, i mean i have yet to hear how someone would have “done it differently.”
If you read the resolution you will understand why “right to invade” was not certain, as partial compliance was never discussed. Yes we do have the power, but do we have the power to stabalize and leave? And the cause? Well, it turns out Iraq was no threat, so there was no cause.
I think its unfair that you dismiss all criticism as mindless complains, I mean Bush supporters complain that Kerry flip-flops(and he does).
Bush does things, but again, in my view he is very incompetant, I don’t think he knows what he is doing. In all fairness the only reason I am against Bush is not because of anything Kerry did. Its just after examing what Bush did, I don’t think he is fit to lead.
If Bush never went to Iraq, I might have supported him.
he acts, does what he says
Again, like I just said I agree, but to be fair lets not forget that Bush was against a independant 9/11 comitee…then he was for it… he was against testifing…then he did, he was against implementing the comission report… and now he is for it
Anybody here Libertarian? I mean come on you ALL sound like your pro freedom no matter what, so has anybody considered the options? I still don’t know if I will vote for the Lib ticket, but I know I don’t like my 2 party choices? So what is worse, a man we KNOW what he will do, even if some of us don’t agree (bush) or that self serving waffle Kerry? I mean in a time like we are in what truly is better?
bush saw a problem, executed a plan, our allies backed down…
but oh wait even the little country of uzbekistan(sp?) sent troops - the smallest country from the russia aftermath - our allies? who are they anymore? that had nothing to do with what bush did.
i’m afraid that most people that are voting nowadays were too young back in the gulf war to understand what was going on - saddam hussein needed to be taken out of power for the sake of the iraqi people and we did that -
he is fully competent, people again mistake a southern accent and a southern vernacular as a weakness, whats that quote from sweet home alabama? “just because I talk slow, doesn’t mean I’m stupid”
and in my opinion if you seriously dont think kerry is all that better - then why vote for him? i would rather not vote at all in your situation -
i hear a lot of talk from a lot of dems - but no reasons or solutions - just saying he’s incompetent - i mean come on - how big is the democratic bandwagon?
people talk about the vast rightwing conspiracy? what about the vast democratic bandwagon?
bush had the guts no one else had - our boys and girls are fighting a just fight over seas and doing the right thing.
this post is a little charged, but im tired of hearing democrats not make any sense - at least you have some logic rb
[size=1]although I hate Bush and all his splendor… or lack there of.
I think its best to stick to the issues or at least the ones I care about .
*Bush- pro life -against it ... would one day like to see that its outlawed.
*Kerry- pro choice - believes " the government should stay out of the bedroom" and a womans right to choose.
**Honestly neither of them make me happy on this issue I feel we should go back to kicking the illegals out of our country ... they are braking the law after all.
Iraq- **
Yes bush did stop the horror that was Saddam however he didn’t do it for human rights or to save lives he did it to make money and make his father proud … from the moment he was elected he was trying to find a way to invade Iraq and like I said it wasn’t for human rights … and if it was (WHICH IT ISNT) why haven’t we helped Africa. Which you could say is worse then Iraq or at the very least just as bad.
*Bush - lied about why we went. By invading Iraq Bushes friends have profited millions of dollars… but I guess that’s just icing on the cake…
*Kerry - wants to make the best of the mistakes made by the bush administration by making Iraq a world issue not an American one.
**Energy Policy-**
Bush --OIL + love = bush or maybe its love + OIL = Bush … at any rate bush hasn’t DONE ANYTHING to push away foreign OIL dependence or even OIL dependence … THE only way OIL is going to get out of our lives is when the government takes action and FULLY supports alternative fuels …
Kerry - wants to “invent” a way out of this problem. He even goes as far as to say that our country will be stronger, safer, and more secure when foreign dependencies for energy is gone.
** Health Care**-
44 million Americans don’t have health care*Bush- Medicare reform … and giving seniors discount cards so they can save 15% on prescriptions…
*Kerry- wants to cut out of every families heath care cost by $1000.00 and then to make it cheaper, so everyone else can afford it, he wants to cut the administrative overhead of the heath care system (350 billion dollars).
**College Costs-**
*Bush - wants to send math pros into high schools to teach part-time. And job training ...
makes high school more demanding so the kids will be able to prepare for college. Support community colleges...
*Kerry- wants to give $4,000.00 to College students every year (that’s $16,000 for the kids who don’t want to do the math) before their college bills start pouring in.
** Gay Marriage-**
simply put, because it’s a simple issue, you’re either for it or against it.
*Bush - thumbs down
*Kerry - thumbs UP :)
[size=1]and just a little fact :
not letting “the gays” marry is depriving them of 2500+ rights that are given to standard marriages …simply its discrimination… and its 2004 right?
Thats a good point, but you have to remember some countries like Australia are linked through defence packs, other are just bound by economic pressure.
i’m afraid that most people that are voting nowadays were too young back in the gulf war to understand what was going on - saddam hussein needed to be taken out of power for the sake of the iraqi people and we did that -
Im afraid this is where I disagree the most, of the actual registered voters, most do remeber the Gulf war, remember only a small percentage of young citezens actualy vote.
And on the second part while agree in principle I disagree that it was our decision to make, we don’t have the right to make the utilateral dicision for the Iraqis because they are the ones who will do most of the dying and suffering. And what about all the other ruthless dictators in the world? Why go only after Saddam?
But my biggest reason not to go (whenever we had the right or not) Iraq has no National Intrest for America.
he is fully competent, people again mistake a southern accent and a southern vernacular as a weakness, whats that quote from sweet home alabama? “just because I talk slow, doesn’t mean I’m stupid”
I totaly agree, I mean we can make fun, I think people who think he’s dumb just because he speaks bad dont know what they are talking about. (But you have to admit, asking if there is Black people in Brazil wasn’t very bright)
and in my opinion if you seriously dont think kerry is all that better - then why vote for him? i would rather not vote at all in your situation -
Tough one, and its true, alot of people are having trouble to vote for Kerry, but the only thing that is driving them is quite honestly, fear of Bush.
i hear a lot of talk from a lot of dems - but no reasons or solutions - just saying he’s incompetent - i mean come on - how big is the democratic bandwagon?
thats true, dems are know for that. But democratic demagogs that flip flop did become good, and even great presidents, like Kennedy, Clinton (Ok, Average Pres. :)) and Truman. But you understand the political implications of when a candidate states specfic goals.
people talk about the vast rightwing conspiracy? what about the vast democratic bandwagon?
haha, I think my freind said it best "Democarts say that Republicans are Evil but Republicans say Democrats are stupid, I agree in both cases"
bush had the guts no one else had - our boys and girls are fighting a just fight over seas and doing the right thing.
Well, bush is not fighting, nor does he know what it is like.
Like I said earlier, guts, not guts, good or bad, cause or no cause, I just don’t see national intrest in it.
this post is a little charged, but im tired of hearing democrats not make any sense - at least you have some logic rb
I hear ya, we run in to problems when we get people who’s ideas are fed to them by Moor/O’reilly.