What problem did he actually see? please enlighten me. Cause the only thing he said when the US invaded Iraq was: “Saddam has WMD”. I don’t see WMD’s as a problem when they don’t exist. And please, don’t tell me you’re naive enough to think that Bush didn’t know WMDs where no where in sight. It was a gambling thing. “We give you mustard gas and whatnot in the 80s, perhaps you still have them in 2003”. That’s not how things go…
Now, please care to enlighten me again. What was his plan exactly? Cause no one knows. Not even him. As a proof, the US are so stuck to the neck in Iraq, someone either ****ed up the plan beyond any recognition (and I doubt that…)or they didn’t have any to begin with…
About your allies, mmh, they didn’t back down, they asked for different solutions. Actually, the US are the ones who refused to go with the rest of the international community (yeah, and England, Poland, Italy and Morroco). But out of more than 200 countries in the world, that’s a bit light…
but oh wait even the little country of uzbekistan(sp?) sent troops - the smallest country from the russia aftermath - our allies? who are they anymore? that had nothing to do with what bush did.
Don’t understand what you mean. Uzbekistan sent troops, it’s a geopolitical move. Do you really think it’s to kill Saddam. Lol.
i’m afraid that most people that are voting nowadays were too young back in the gulf war to understand what was going on - saddam hussein needed to be taken out of power for the sake of the iraqi people and we did that -
yup, 13 years ago, Saddam had to be taken out, it’s actually Bush Senior that pushed in the other direction and left him in power. It’s Bush Senior that did not want the coalition to move all the way up to Bahgdad…
he is fully competent, people again mistake a southern accent and a southern vernacular as a weakness, whats that quote from sweet home alabama? “just because I talk slow, doesn’t mean I’m stupid”
That, I fully agree with. Are you going to tell me that most “Bushisms” are just jokes that he made to the public while continuing making a serious face as if he didn’t know he said another dumb-*** thing? Come on…
and in my opinion if you seriously dont think kerry is all that better - then why vote for him? i would rather not vote at all in your situation -
haaaa, I don’t vote in the US… Darn it. But “lesser of 2 evils” still stands I guess…
i hear a lot of talk from a lot of dems - but no reasons or solutions - just saying he’s incompetent - i mean come on - how big is the democratic bandwagon?
Why would one need solutions or reasons to say bush is incompetent (moronically dumb, I mean). The Dem Bandwagon is as big as the GOP’s bandwagon I guess
bush had the guts no one else had - our boys and girls are fighting a just fight over seas and doing the right thing.
?? you really think global political behavior starts with GUTS? no, sorry. Stating the question again. You think global political behavior even has GUTS in the process? If the economic and military leader of the world (…) uses guts and instincts to decide of matters of geopolitical fairness in the world, let me tell you, this is ****ing up. You don’t decide to kill 10 000 people because your guts tell you so. (9000 Iraqis, 1000 US soldiers and coalition members…).
And please, justify how your boys and girls are fighting a just fight overseas. Please tell me, I’m in the dark…
this post is a little charged, but im tired of hearing democrats not make any sense - at least you have some logic rb
same goes with Reps I guess
ps: PR, just to be clear. this post is not against you, it’s against bush…