2004 Presidential Debates

AMEN! anyone thinking that either candidate will change the direction of the country is a fool… As an american watching the whole thing from Canada, all I can do is shake my head… it’s a sad state of affairs when the population is split over a money-hungry, corporate puppet and another money-hungry, corporate puppet. True change will ONLY occur when both the right and left unite against what is quickly becoming corporate hegemony. until then, go ahead argue facts over who killed more people, Kerry in Vietnam, or Bush in Iraq. Or how the Sea Hawks are going to kick the Daulphins **… or whatever assinine “how many angels on the head of pin” debate we can think of… That sound you hear? It’s Nero and he ain’t playing no %$# banjo!

as I said before man, Im not trying to attack you, and I dont really feel like getting into this on a forum that has absolutely nothing to do with politics.

As a final note, if you wouldnt mind sending me links to your facts, I would love to check them out, just so long as it is not from Fox or any other network in the political pocket.

As an american watching the whole thing from Canada, all I can do is shake my head…

I so wish I was in your position.

I don’t think any Bush supporter could ever have his mind changed, just like any Kerry supporter the other way around…

Any swingers around here? Those are the interesting ones right now…

I never said you were attacking me, and I never attacked you so you can let that all go.

What is wrong with Fox? When they talk about a story they let both sides be heard…wow that is bias huh? And how can you find a news source that doesn’t seam to have political ties? Should I use CBS, they seam real middle of the road…how do those documents look today? Maybe CNN, the network with 2 people that work for them AND the Kerry campain. YOu know you will not find forged memos that hurt either political canidate or people working on a campain on Fox. Anyway, you let me know what a “legeitimite” source is and I will find you your facts…

until then, go ahead argue facts over who killed more people, Kerry in Vietnam, or Bush in Iraq. Or how the Sea Hawks are going to kick the Daulphins **… or whatever assinine “how many angels on the head of pin” debate we can think of… That sound you hear? It’s Nero and he ain’t playing no %$# banjo!

haha, too funny…

This debate was very painful to watch. To think that one of those men will be our next president is very disturbing, and upsetting. Also to think that people look at Kerry as some sort of alternative to Bush is equally depressing.

EDIT: as far as the BONESMAN thing - I would have no problem if Bush and Kerry were both former Skull and Bonesman. The fact is that they are lifelong members of this supposedly harmless and completely normal secretive-elite ‘college fraternity’. Boy scouts, my ***… :ro:

Tell you what, I’ll beat you to the chase. Here is an article outlining it all in the Washington Times. Not exactly what you would call a right leaning publication. http://www.washingtontimes.com/op-ed/20040920-091120-6895r.htm

It doesn’t seem that Pres. Bush brought up Sen. Kerry’s senate record. There are various instances such as when Sen. Kerry voted against the 91 Gulf War before voting for it that could have been good fodder in the debate.

Also, did anybody catch Sen. Kerry’s use of the word “outsourcing” a few times when it came to defense and military action near the Pak/Afgh border :slight_smile:

I don’t think he ever was for the 91 Gulf War. Yeah, I caught the outsourcing thing. The same kind of outsourcing he wants to do in Iraq.

I think both candidates tried to keep the level of personal attacks to a minimum. That’s why some of the things that I wanted to see such as “I will not get a permission slip from France and Germany to defend our country!” or “W is for Wrong!” or … etc. I didn’t see.

The VP debates should be more interesting, for Cheney is much more of an attacker than, it seems, Edwards.

Yeah, I agree, and Edwards comes off to me a slimy Eddie Haskel kind of guy. He has the stupid s**t eating grin when he tries to attack. That passive agressive thing. Also, I think Cheney is going to be more knowledgeable on Foreign reslation issues. I don’t think the VP debate changes anyones mind, but it always makes for a good boxing match and that is good television.

Despite the fact that I despise both candidates, in my opinion, Kerry did a better job overall. Although it grates me to no end that Bush couldn’t drop the “flip-flop” argument, and Kerry couldn’t drop the “90-90” and “war experience” arguments.

And what’s with the “I want I president I can relate too” line of thought? My president could be a cold, charisma-less individual so as long as he was doing his job in a competant manner. Why people feel they should be able to empathize with their national leaders on a personal level, is beyond me.

You have to be kidding me. You are almost becoming comical. How bout you go site down on your heehaw recliner grab yourself another Budweiser and finish watching your Nascar, dude.

As for your earlier statement assuming that I meant deficit. Im glad that you assumed that. National Debt and National Deficit are the same thing. heh. But lets not get into that, Im sure Ive had a little more schooling in finance than you.

And those facts, yes, you are right Kerry did vote against some of those bills, but do you even know how legislation works? or even how a bill works? Apparently not. Do you know that there can be more than one topic on a bill? And did you know, both parties play games where they add little things to favor one another in the last minute, to sway a vote either way.

But hey man, lets say that were all true and completely accurate. Id rather have someone as President who voted against those things, and can think for himself and who DID fight for our country in Vietnam, which also was a mistake, than have someone who dodged the war and was too busy sniffing cocaine.

Gimmi a break, George Dubya cant even put a f*cking sentence together without having to pause, stop, and ponder.

And Bush, just lost his first debate, and he will lose the second and third as well. My right asss cheeck can debate better than that man.

I have your same exact sentiments. The fact is, most people know that Kerry, however much of a douchebag, would still make a better President than George Dubya.


I guess both candidates claimed vicotry, and it might seemed that Bush supporters and Kerry supporters. support their candidate, we need to see if this actualy pulls people from one side to another, this will be the real result. But even if Kerry did beat bush, as bi-partisan as I can; I think he did, he needs to win by alot, Bush only needs to be adequate in it. (I just don’t think this is not his streingth at the moment) But since Bush leads, Kerry has to do exceptionaly well, but that he didn’t do.

However, if you listened to the debate via radio, Bush in all honesty got slaughtered, just for the simple fact that Bush relies alot on handgestures and body expression, which is not bad, he just does. And too bad for Kerry, almost everyone watched it on TV.

Anyway, here come the polls :

interesting article

The fact is, most people know that Kerry, however much of a douchebag, would still make a better President than George Dubya.

Geez man… You really put it down there. This is NUTS, this whole election everything!!!
It reminds me of the Simpsons episode when Dole was running against Bush and Kodos and Kang kidnapped them and impersonated them.
Kang: “It makes no difference which one of us you vote for. Either way,
your planet is doomed. DOOMED!”
Kodos: It’s true, we are aliens. But what are you going to do about
it? It’s a two-party system; you have to vote for one of us.
Man1: He’s right, this is a two-party system.
Man2: Well, I believe I’ll vote for a third-party candidate.
Kang: Go ahead, throw your vote away.
[Kang and Kodos laugh out loud]
[Ross Perot smashes his “Perot 96” hat]
– “Treehouse of Horror VII”

It’s a crazy world I tells ya.

OMG dude, what happend to the im not attacking you personally. Guess that flew out the window. Lets try to keep this civil or maybe you need to re-read the rule sof the Order forum.

First off, I don’t watch NASCAR. Second, I don’t drink Budweiser. Anheuser Busch is a liberal company that spent millions trying to save Gray Davis in California. Third, I don’t care how much education you have in finance. National debt and the deficit are not the same thing. The deficit is the amount of money overspent from what has come in during a bugetary cycle. The national debt is the ongoing total of money spent vs money brought in. We have has a national debt for many years http://www.treas.gov/education/fact-sheets/taxes/fed-debt.shtml Even during Clinton the debt went up. Even though during his presidency the Congress balanced the budget has has a surplus and not a DEFICIT the contry will had an ever growing DEBT.

The rest of your argument is mear dribble and I wont respond until you can use this forum without personal insults.

While Kerry may have won the debate, he hasn’t gained any new voters. Here is the larger analysis: http://www.gallup.com/poll/content/Default.aspx?ci=13237

Another paraphrased article: http://www.nbr.co.nz/home/column_article.asp?id=10352&cid=15&cname=Politics

[size=1]jonesin/others: play nice :slight_smile:[/size]


Anheuser Busch is a liberal company that spent millions trying to save Gray Davis in California

Ahh yes, I knew you where a soft-pink-communist at heart (and beer never lies :D)
Welcome to the club! :stuck_out_tongue:

Please expect to recieve your “I hate Freedom” t-shirt soon in the mail, allow 2-3 weeks for delivery…


What?? What is more free than having the option to not buy a product when you know the money you spend will be used for political purposes contrary to your beliefs. I will have you know that I was an avid Bud drinker before the recal election in Cal. I have decided that in these political times that where I spend my money will have an impact.