A bit of a Rant: War in Iraq... I know , old topic

Let me start out by saying I am not anti US, I am not anti- Bush ( i just don’t like him much) and I am not pro- Iraq…

Okay, lets start on the media!
Did you guys ever notice how the Iraq’s goverment is always refered to a regime not a goverment? And why, when they speak of the Republican guard, they always say Saddam’s Republican guard… if then… they should start saying Bushes Marines!!! I know , I know its propoganda! Yet I am still pissed off! They even refer to the Iraqi soldeirs as Thugs? Look at it from a neutral prespective… : country A is attacking country B… country B is defending itself…

Now The war…
How many of you know that the war was planned in the year 2000, before Bush got in to office!? Look it, up if you didn’t.
It makes terrorism a pretty poor excuse for war…

And why are we making case for war now? He gased him people with Americain, French and Russian equipment. The Anthrax has been supplied by the states… while the helicpters by the french… we looked the other way then…

Now the Iraqis are getting invaded, without much world support! Normaly, they would think to defend themseves is the right thing to do!

Running out of time …
Before I go… I must admit… I dont support the troops. I am not anti-US troops… I don’t want them to die… I just think I don’t need to support it. They are just doing their job. Its expected, thats what they signed up to do, on their own. I know lots of soldeirs and they always brag about how they are ‘couragous’ or have a hard life… a right sure… they trained for 5 years, its about time the did something…

Out of time… I needed to get this out… Don’t get me worng I like the U.S.A. Some things like Patriot Act!

Dont flame me much plz!

ok… you cant post a long email like that and not expect to get ‘flamed’…

[COLOR=red]“Did you guys ever notice how the Iraq’s goverment is always refered to a regime not a goverment?”[/COLOR]

they are a regime… maybe we’d call them a government if they had fair elections…

[COLOR=red]How many of you know that the war was planned in the year 2000, before Bush got in to office!? Look it, up if you didn’t.[/COLOR]

look what up? what are you talking about? the bombing of iraq under the clinton administration in 1998?

[COLOR=red]And why are we making case for war now? He gased him people with Americain, French and Russian equipment. The Anthrax has been supplied by the states… while the helicpters by the french… we looked the other way then… [/COLOR]

when we supplied iraq with weapons and funds, it was to combat the soviets… they were a much greater threat than iraq was at the time… we also gave Afghanistan weapons and money, what’s your point? are you saying we should never supply any country with aid because they might use our own weapons against us in the future? Sadam’s using american and french made weapons to kill his own people is not our fault…

i was a little confused, were you for the war or against it?


They even refer to the Iraqi soldeirs as Thugs?

When they beat up civilians and force the civilians to attack the the coalition, they’re thugs.

*country A is attacking country B… country B is defending itself…

Country A is attacking the government of country B that has murdered and oppressed the civilians in country B. Seems pretty fair to me.

And why, when they speak of the Republican guard, they always say Saddam’s Republican guard

Saddam hand-picks the Republican guard, most from his own town. They are like his personal body guards. They are not the Iraqi army. Thats why they are “Saddam’s” Republican guard.

i really cant watch TV anymore without getting pissed off… it’s nothing but propaganada… they show us arabs as backward people and ****… they only show parts of iraq where villagers (people who had no casual education) live… i mean… they’re were even saying on ‘inside edition’ that the thumbs-up sign has a different meaning for arabs and a lot of fake pointless ****… it really makes me feel bad… we’re not any less smart or (technologically) advanced than you are… :sure:

(Derek’s my hero, but mostly because his footer rocks)

Anyways, did people hear about how the iraqi’s are going to try and prosecute American war criminals???

I’m not denying that there are American war criminals, because there most certainly are, but come on, the winners are never punished. What are they thinking???

Now The war…
How many of you know that the war was planned in the year 2000, before Bush got in to office!? Look it, up if you didn’t.
It makes terrorism a pretty poor excuse for war…

I too would really like to know WHERE to look this up, Russian bear. I do understand where you’re coming from… but I think my peers here have covered all of your questions pretty well.

The year 2000 plan:

Okay , let me answer some questions…

We support and supported other goverments that don’t have free elections! And also, when NATO establishes a goverment they have certain requirements that its a fair election. U.S. wont pass those requirements. Plus, what if New Iraq wants to elect a Anti-Us President, will he stay?

Derek, your wrong, we gave him those weapons to fight IRAN, not the soviets! If you say its not our fault his killing his people with our weapons why are we going in to stop him! And about 13 years too late! (Our weapons don’t kill inocents, Saddam kills inocents!.. But our weapons certainly help!)

NaliWarCowZ, I am not saying I don’t beleive you, but they are doing that to defend their country… we would do the same if U.S. was at such a risk… ( We are going in to kill Saddam,… Saddam is still alive… about a thousand Iraqi civilians are not… not to mention the people defending defending their own SOVERIGN country!)

Are you telling me that Saddam hand picks THOUSANDS of Republican guard all by himself? I don’t think so, there are standarts set, they have to meet. Just like in the marines for example…

And country A -B thing…
There are so many countries now, that torture and kill their people… have done so before. and still do it… (Good Example N.Korea) Why arent we at all those countries throats…?

I am just getting fulstrated by the ‘looking the other way’ the goverment has done, but then goes back and pretends it didn’t.
I do understand war for the fact that if Saddam ever created dangerous weapons he could slip them to terrorist organizations…( I dont know how he will do it… when we have BILLIONS worth of military there, and enough spy, reconaisance planes, satellites to turn day in to night)

But lets be honest… we are not going to liberate the people… we are going in to acheive a goal… and they are going to be a sattelite state…! ww2 was over for 58 years! We still have bases in Germany! You think Iraq will be any diffrent…

Oh crap… did I go on a rant again?

This media war is really getting on everybody’s nerves; did you hear that an american news agent in irak (who had won awards for the fair reports he did during Gulf War I) was fired because he actually * let some irakis talk*

And what do you expect, people are just stuck in front of their TV and are being served what the goverment wants 'em to see.
It’s really pathetic when, in the Time magazine for example, you see that iraki PsOW are given each a bottle of water and are cared for gently by marines…
Comon, can anyone see that this is all planned
Iraki soldier are just simply killed, besides i think the the coalition casualties are not due to irakis but americans themselves…
I just heard that an american convoy had been hit by american bombs…

I just wish Saddam is found and either killed or whatever people want to do to him…

“Did you guys ever notice how the Iraq’s goverment is always refered to a regime not a goverment?”

they are a regime… maybe we’d call them a government if they had fair elections…

So then you can also call America a regieme can’t you.

I’m totally with russian bear, but unlike him i am anti-bush.
(check the footer)

Not sure where you are coming with that - last time I checked I believe Bush was elected by the people. When Bush feels like destroying the lives of everyone who opposes him, constantly rapes women, kills children, hordes all the money for himself while the people are starving, denying people the basic rights to liberty and pursuit of happiness…yeah, then he’ll be a regime.

Until then, nope - not a regime at all =)

EDIT: If you are referring to the 2000 Election, don’t hesitate to read up on all the various recounts (both liberal and conservative) that went on after Bush was elected into office - Bush, in the end, still won. Even leftists in the US will agree that Bush won in the end - not sure where you are getting those ideas from.

Anyone who has ever read ‘Stupid White Men’ will know what i’m talking about. I’ll look for something on the web about it.

maybe what i said was a bit rash, but the way he got in power was a bit suspicious you have to admit

**We support and supported other goverments that don’t have free elections! And also, when NATO establishes a goverment they have certain requirements that its a fair election. U.S. wont pass those requirements. **

Are you saying the US doesn’t have free elections? Cause if you are, thats just wrong. I don’t know what else to say, its just wrong.

NaliWarCowZ, I am not saying I don’t beleive you, but they are doing that to defend their country… we would do the same if U.S. was at such a risk…

No, if we were defending our country, we would be defending the people in it, not putting them in front of us as human shields.

** ( We are going in to kill Saddam,… Saddam is still alive… about a thousand Iraqi civilians are not… not to mention the people defending defending their own SOVERIGN country!)**

Until we’ve killed 100,000 people, we aren’t as bad as Saddam. Plus, at least half of those deaths are from the Iraqi army using human shields or making the people drive their cars into US checkpoints and they get shot by tanks.

Are you telling me that Saddam hand picks THOUSANDS of Republican guard all by himself? I don’t think so, there are standarts set, they have to meet. Just like in the marines for example…

Maybe its Saddam’s second in command, or the head of the republican guard, but on CNN “Saddam hand picks” from his own town.

And country A -B thing…
There are so many countries now, that torture and kill their people… have done so before. and still do it… (Good Example N.Korea) Why arent we at all those countries throats…?

Ok, so we should go take over Syria, Iran, Saudia Arabia, North Korea. That wouldn’t tick off a bunch of terrorists now would it? You’re right, its not THAT big of a deal to oust Saddam. But since his army is weak, we might as well. Going after north korea and their nukes is a different story.

did you hear that an american news agent in irak (who had won awards for the fair reports he did during Gulf War I) was fired because he actually let some irakis talk

It’d be pretty hypochritcal of the US to put Iraqi POW’s on the news, but then get mad when Iraq did it.

Ok, so we should go take over Syria, Iran, Saudia Arabia, North Korea. That wouldn’t tick off a bunch of terrorists now would it? You’re right, its not THAT big of a deal to oust Saddam. But since his army is weak, we might as well. Going after north korea and their nukes is a different story.

I thoughy Saddam was meant to have Nukes. Wasn’t that the original reason we were attacking him.

Weapons of mass destruction, and that includes nukes, chemical, etc.

Stupid White Men is a really good book by Michael Moore - I read a few chapters of it at a local bookstore a while ago, but a lot of his information is highly sensationalized. He is brilliant at finding a few pieces of doubt and presenting them in such a way that makes a very compelling argument =)

Kirupa :asian:

No, saddam was TRYING to get nukes.

OH what so we’s better bomb him before he develops them and we have to move on to a country that doesn’t have them yet.

EXACTLY. After a country has nukes, there’s not much you can do to take them away from them. So, we try to keep nations from getting them now.

hey there…

Aislin, i like to be people’s hero… judging from you’re footer, i think you’d like this website:

Ninja Website

Phil, you had some good points, i’m sure bush would love to take out iran and South Korea next but i dont think he has enough time. the 2004 elections are fast approaching, i dont think bush will risk another controversial offensive so close to reelection time should our invasion in iraq prove successful.
