Let me start out by saying I am not anti US, I am not anti- Bush ( i just don’t like him much) and I am not pro- Iraq…
Okay, lets start on the media!
Did you guys ever notice how the Iraq’s goverment is always refered to a regime not a goverment? And why, when they speak of the Republican guard, they always say Saddam’s Republican guard… if then… they should start saying Bushes Marines!!! I know , I know its propoganda! Yet I am still pissed off! They even refer to the Iraqi soldeirs as Thugs? Look at it from a neutral prespective… : country A is attacking country B… country B is defending itself…
Now The war…
How many of you know that the war was planned in the year 2000, before Bush got in to office!? Look it, up if you didn’t.
It makes terrorism a pretty poor excuse for war…
And why are we making case for war now? He gased him people with Americain, French and Russian equipment. The Anthrax has been supplied by the states… while the helicpters by the french… we looked the other way then…
Now the Iraqis are getting invaded, without much world support! Normaly, they would think to defend themseves is the right thing to do!
Running out of time …
Before I go… I must admit… I dont support the troops. I am not anti-US troops… I don’t want them to die… I just think I don’t need to support it. They are just doing their job. Its expected, thats what they signed up to do, on their own. I know lots of soldeirs and they always brag about how they are ‘couragous’ or have a hard life… a right sure… they trained for 5 years, its about time the did something…
Out of time… I needed to get this out… Don’t get me worng I like the U.S.A. Some things like Patriot Act!
Dont flame me much plz!