Presidential Debate #1 Tonight

Who is watching the Debates tonight?

I don’t think you can really call it a “debate” though, although I here Kerry is throwing a fit about some red lights…

I will watch it. Would be cool to give them gloves and put them in a ring.

I always wanted to see Clinton and Dole go at it! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m in Political Theory and My Homework was to watch at least 30 min of the debates. Ugh, i feel like i’d rather just read it in the newspapers the next day. I wonder who’s gonna Laminate their Speech in Preformatted speeches

Questionee:“whats your name?”

Bush: "Because of 9/11, my name is George w. Bush!"
Kerry:“For the sake of Freedom (and my Purple Hearts) my name is John Kerry”

Questionee: “ooookay next question”

They were showing old debates from the past 50 years (on CSPAN?) a week or so ago. My favorite had to be Reagan vs. Mondale!

This one should be interesting!

I already have TiVo set to record all three Presidential debates and the Vice-Presidential debate, just in case I forget to watch them.

Regaurdless of who you like or don’t like, this is a good time to see what they plan to do on each issue. I say plan to do vs feel because I think we all know that a Presidents strategy for the country is decided on by more than just him (or her). Anyway, I am curious to see what Kerry has decided will be his final position on the issues, then see if he flip-flops yet again before the election.

My money is on the Bonesman :wink:

My money is on the Bonesman :wink:

i am watching it.

Haha, either way is like choosing between Rob Zombie or Manson to watch your kids … but that’s a different topic altogether i suppose :wink:

(No harm meant to the patriots)

~ Lacuna :love:

Same here! :tie:

I won’t watch it though I’m sure I’ll hear all about it on the news until the next debate.

Hey, congrats on your 2000th post! :smiley:

I’d love to see the debate but I guess they won’t show it over here :wink:

im definitely watching it, but have to watch survivor first;)

I’m watching Joey instead!

Just kidding, Tivo mang! Recording both. :thumb:

well, it’s on here at 3:00am, so i’m not staying up for that since i gotta work tomorrow, although i’d love to see it :frowning:

3.00 am ORF 2 :wink:

[size=1](only austrians know what i mean)[/size]

I think I saw on my Tivo guide that Fox News is showing it again at like 1am, so all you that have to miss it might be able to catch it later.

You know thinking about the bonesmen stuff, if both canidates were Boy Scouts, would we be talking about the Boy Scouts of America attempting to take over the world? Come on guys, Skulls and Bones is a fraternaty thing. Just because it is “secret” (even though we all know about it) doesn’t make it evil… :evil:

Why don’t you guys just wait for the DVD? :h:

Oh and thanks firegambler for noticing my 2,000 posts. :thumb:

I’m waiting for the extended edition! I won’t be snookered into buying the DVD the first day it comes out only to find out that an extended edition will be released during the Spring. I may even wait till the three-part collector’s edition that features all three debates plus a bonus DVD of the VP debate :stuck_out_tongue: