I have more than one screen. There’s like 18 screens, 28 Days Later was playing on just one screen. Usually new movies come on like two or three screens.
This must be a good movie. Most of the time these scary movies get bad reviews from critics. but this ones getting good reviews. Ive read three articles on it and two gave it a B+ and the other gave it an A. I’m ready to see this. I hope it scares the dump out of me.
If you havent seen this movie and you like scary movies at all - go see this. It’s fantastic and scary as hell! The camera work is unbelievable and the music - wow.
There are parts in the movie with no sound what so ever for like 2 min and in a theatre of like 300 people, not one person made a peep - that’s a powerful film. Like I said - if you are even a slight fan of the genre, go see it and bring a friend - you’ll need it
*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**you complain about 1 screen at the movies??
Here where I live, we’ve ALWAYS had just 1 screen, we still do, and it’s the friggin best cinema for miles!
If I have to go to multicinemas, I’d have to go to Copenhagen…
tell’s ya a little about denmark, eh :sure: **
Sorry folks. The smallest thearter around me probably has 20 screens. I am spoiled.
yes, me too. we have like 4 theaters just in our city, but usually we only go to one.
I don’t like it! It wasn’t scary at all! It was like a bad action movie or something! Oh and I just saw the thin red line and I think that was even worse! I didn’t even understand half of the film… pointless war! Oh and I didn’t even watch the end of it! I was so disappointed!
*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**you complain about 1 screen at the movies??
Here where I live, we’ve ALWAYS had just 1 screen, we still do, and it’s the friggin best cinema for miles!
If I have to go to multicinemas, I’d have to go to Copenhagen…
tell’s ya a little about denmark, eh :sure: **
same here! ( I’m not sure if the screen we have ven works anymore!..
I just saw it today. Good movie. Nice camera work and good story. It didn’t scare me, but i liked it anyways. Acually the part that scared me was a part when a car alarm went off. Made me jump.
the concept is creepy and the twist is creepier. Definately a well done movie :thumb:
the shots with the digital camera were mixed in really nicely with the rest of the movie, and the makers didn’t over-do it at all. i give the movie somewhere between a B+ and an A. definatily one of the better horror movies recently. i hope the director does another film.=)
Acually the part that scared me was a part when a car alarm went off.
exactly the same here!
yeah the car alarm was definitely the most scrary part. The only other scary parts involved an infected surprisingly coming through a window.
I cant say I left with too good an impression though. Nothing about the film really impressed me too much :-\ Not that it was bad, just nothing to be excited over (IMHO).
… I also saw the ring for the first time over the weekend. That was actually better than I thought it was going to be (I liked it more than 28 days later). It wasnt scary but it was thoughtful and had a decent ending (If it had ended with them sitting on the well there near the end I wouldnt have thought too much about it).
It’s a Zombie movie. If you like Zombies, you will like 28 Days Later.
zombies couldn’t possibly move that fast!
The Ring was pretty good, but i liked 28 Days later a lot too. it wasnt really a zombie movie, and it didnt copy off of Resident Evil. the story like was good too, something different. once again, the digital camera work was awsome!
I agree on this one, it’s very well filmed… I mean, it does its work and all, I liked that too. But it is a Zombie movie. Not Hollywood-ish, but still Zombie. Ish.
It was what Resident Evil wanted to be. I call them zombies but I don’t know if you would classify them as zombies. They’re not dead. Good movie though. Had the right amount of monster movie and suspenceful thriller in it.