we were going to go see it today, but the projector was broken, and they were only showing it on 1 freakin screen. anyone here seen it?
I grew up in a town (we were too small to have a theater), where the town next door only had 1 screen…
you young dux are so spoiled…
wow. the same thing happened to me today. i went to go see it at the Rave theater and the projector messed up. i had to go see dam Charlies Angles 2. i wanna see some dam zombies. fine women though.
haha sounds like that movie is breaking theaters!
our single theater was called the Daw. I always thought it was the Dull :beam: … til one day I went there durring the day and actually read the sign lol.
Theres a larger theater in town now though, in the Roses building (which closed when Wally-World came in conqured the town).
I heard the movie is really good and scary. I was really looking foward to seeing it. i’ll see it next week end.
I saw the movie last night. It was pretty good.
just pretty good?
I really havent had much enthusiasm towards seeing it. As of now Id rather watch Charlies Angels given the choice
all i care about right now is BadBoys II
28 days friggin rocked!
Its good because its not hollywood horror, where you can usualy guess when they gona try and scare you…
Very good directing, very good. Acting was good as well. Very cool, and very brutal! I am usualy not a fan of scary movies, but this was good.
I give it **** 1/2 stars!
Charlies Angles 2 was decent, but i would have rather seen 28 days later. but Gangs of NY comes out Tue. so i have to buy that.
Gangs is my movie.
28 days is Sandra Bullock flic
I can’t get my mind around the title…
sounds like a horror flick about my ex-wife…
actually Gangs is a Martin Scorsese’s movie.
28 days later. Zombie movie
28 is not Exacly a zombie movie… but I gues… well … maybe… sort off… its good, I recommeded…
i dont want to see a movie… and im pissed that they wasted such a good number on it
im gonna sue
how do dyou come up with 28 anyways?
Here is the 28 days later web site.
Warning: It may be kind of scary. lol
you complain about 1 screen at the movies??
Here where I live, we’ve ALWAYS had just 1 screen, we still do, and it’s the friggin best cinema for miles!
If I have to go to multicinemas, I’d have to go to Copenhagen…
tell’s ya a little about denmark, eh :sure: