Im not sure if the “ray of light” effect needs to be on the top there.
the one thing I would change overall is the lines with that splatter effect, I don’t thin that it really goes with anything and that it would be much better if they were all replaced we a thin solid line. This way it is consistent with the borders in your design.
last but not least I think that the scroll bars can be spruced up a bit code-wise maybe on click you can have it change the goto_X of the movie with he text in it, then have it ease into place? That might look nice; if you want I can help you do that.
All in all it looks good I like the design, good luck and keep it up
Your site definately looks good, but I think it could be alot better…
Starting the with the preloader, the edges of the circles really dont fit in, i think the prev reply pointed that out too, and also the same dotted lines in yur content area doesn’t match either, it looks wierd and out of place…
I actually like the ray of light effect u did at the top, looks cool, maybe if it were in all caps? or diff font?
and another thing is the text doesn’t look good in the content area. if i am not mistaken, u r using diff fonts? I am not sure, but if thats the case, then u should avoid that, try and choose a font that will look good, and then stick with it throughout the site…
Other than those points, everything else looks pretty sweet, i really like the eye changing at the top…very nice.
I voted for it sucks because I wanted to be honest and not lead you on to think that this is a good flash site.
Here are some of the problems:
You’ve decided to combine vector on top of bitmap images, when you do this, it causes a conflict because the navigation has a playful feel and the background and content is serious. I would choose to go either all vector with only some bitmap so that the vector is dominant or go with all raster bitmap so that it’s dominant.
Also there’s a problem with the way your site loads, there would be a 5-10 second wait before the preloader would show up so you might want to take a look at that.
As for the designs on the layout, I don’t see how it relates to your tablefootball team. Maybe it’s because I can’t read Dutch so I can’t tell. I would deisign something that would reflect the team more.
Also work on your transitions, since you’re using flash for this site, have fun and be creative. Honestly, with what you have now, it could of been created using plain HTML.
I hope I haven’t offended you in anyway, that wasn’t my intention. I just wanted to point out some stuff that in my opinion could be improved. Good luck. =)
No I have no problem with it at all… I think it’s good U are being honest…
Since it’s my 2nd try in Flash, it’s normal I get commented, like in school, but at the end it 'll make “you” better, I think…