i made this with cinema4d for a project for school. the black above the sink is the mirror, i didnt put a wall on the other side so i could see things, so the reasons its black is just because theres nothing to reflect. i also have to add a picture inside the frame above the towell rack. tell me what you think.
i want it to be as realistic as possible, anything there you see thats not right? lighting off? something going threw a wall? something where it shouldn’t be? constructive criticism is welcome.
*Originally posted by HoJo *
**the toilet paper though, what about it doesnt look real? is it too plain? **
it looks a bit too shiny… i think it should be more dull
yea i just noticed the floating door knob too, and i’m assuming you’d want some critizisms on your woork, so youc an improve on it. So i think you should make the door a bit wider, seems a bit to thin for me…and i thinkt he bottle at the sink should be more obvious, maybe add some more liquid inside? and the seat seems slightly flat? maybe should round it off? anyways good job!
First of all, I think it’s totally fantastic! You don’t see realistic 3D often around here… dozens of that abstract stuff… nothing as detail-oriented as this piece. This makes me actually interested in learning 3D!
Other than that… I pretty much concur with the comments about about the extra outlets and the door knob. The toilet paper looks fine to me, but I think if it rolled outward it would look even better and if you are really trying to be detailed, maybe add a quilted pattern.
its funny that you guys’re talking about things like that becuase this is actually my bathroom, heh. the floating door knobs there because the room actually has all 4 walls with 2 doors, the other door and 2 walls are hidden, i just didnt hide the other knob. as for the door and sockets, again, its really funny to me that you’d say those because my bathroom in my house really has that. the majority of things here were modeled based on that.
i added a flower pot to the scene. its above the cabinet above the toilet. here it is if you’d like to look at it:
this is for a school project also, we have to do a scene for the cars we built to race on. i chose a bathroom, thought it’d be funny to see a car drive around a toilet seat and down a sink.