nice detail, the other one had more volume for the outer wall which is why i think you like it better berkoWitZ, once gp follows the wall down that path then i think it will look much better, and yeah prince of persia i can see that hehe…
ok… last post on this for a bit… I tried to wrap up the railing but could’t do it… way to much detail still to add… berkoWitz thanks man glad you like it…
more than likely the tubes will go away and be replaced by fallen cinder blocks and rubble from the building as i reverse model the decay…
The floor tile colors are just there so I can tell them apart, each one being a separate surface… when I texture it later I will give it something special… ha ha… :king: I know what you all mean by the volume of the exterior walls, I lowered the new set to about 3 foot 3 inches high, which is about right for a normal rail line, but yes it is a little sparse in there now… think I will add pillars or something to the top of the rails or something, who knows…
but this is that last update for a bit… promiss to keep you all posted
thanx for the support…
it’s getting better! THIS IS A LONG PROJECT! I usually never spend more than one day on a picture :).
yeah… :sigh: I think this is going to be a long one as well, even if I stick to it daily… It’s all the detail… I shy away from image maps and things like this IF I can… geometry adds to the realism… like all the slate in the floor and bricks in the walls are all geomerty, no mapping at all, they same will go for the dome thingy… This sort of modeling increases the poly and pint counts, it raises the render time a lot but when you get in for close up shots… it’s all worth it image maps don’t hold up at close range like actual polygons…
but glad you dig it 3d Nirvana… cheers
I stepped away from the building modeling and started to build some extras… these are going to wind up being busts of statues on pillars lineing the rail headers… I had an idea so I ran with it…
did I say I like this stuff…
did you model the guys as well ?
wish I could say yes… I suck at modeling people… well I never really gave them a shot to see if I was any good, but… no… the guys are from Poser. I figured I paid for that program I may as well use it… :sigh:
I cheated…