This is an idea I am having… this image is at the very start, don’t have a complete concept for it… it is missing a few items… any ideas?
The backgound is a low quality image, however the actual render will be spot on and AA to the max…
Just thought I would share… this is going to be the 3rd composite image for me, hopefully it will turn out better than the prior 2
interesting…not sure what you can add without knowing alittle about the scene. are you looking to add actual geometry or characters. if characters something like birds on the circle thing or if geometry maybe a bit more detail to that circle thing, since its seems to be focal point. i was thinking something like a curve (semi-cicle) around the exterior of the circle which follows the walls. im interested in seeing this develop so keep us updated.
Not really characters so much… but more geometry… The concept is comming from an image I saw from LOTR, I don’t want to bite from the entire scene, but I want to keep the idea… the semi circle idea sounds interesting… is this a smaller wall…? or perhaps a wall that was once, but is now fallen down… ? interesting…
Your updated version looks really nice. Once you add some realistic looking textures, and possibly add something on top of that cylander-thing, it could look great.
yeah i was thinking more on the lines of a smaller wall following the contours of the wall, but that aged wall sounds like a good idea… hmmm … nice update btw.
Hey soulty,
trying to follow that concept of aged… with items in front of the dome thingy
also filling out the general scene before I actually model it… put in a door to get some scale… that opening is 4 feet wide and 7 feet high… I am starting to get a good feeling about this image… :p:
all this geometry will probablly go awaysoon, but I need it to block in an outline just to see…
ah that makes more sense now… cool stuff, looking nice… umm regarding the outer wall now, do you think its too tall, based on the door height it looks like average sized human wont be able to look over, unless you can do a castle sorta openinings in the walls.
keep the updates coming
That’s pretty sweet. Needs a nice, old feel to the textures, when you get to that.
this is really cool, thanks for posting each developement - its cool to see the process. I think this project has a lot of potential… my .02: the details will make this one, little things like small moldings and decorative stones, chips and gouges from age, other artistic features, etc… I think this could be a really cool scene. keep those updates coming!
soulty… yup I thought the outter wall was a bit much… it is 5 feet tall, the good thing about this is when I lower it you will be able to see more of the landscape behind it… will work on this tonight…
and Morse… dude, you can’t comment on this… no.
The last time you commented on a piece of mine, I wound up building a freagin space station community took me forever to finish… I’m still adding pieces…
Ryall… thanks… I plan on starting the real model this weekend, well after I get back from the Phish concert anyway… I will post good details in a week or so…
Thanx all
I replaced the wall on the left with new geometry added a door frame and the begining of a small balcony, so far that is just the balcony opening on what appears to be the second level…
Soulty I am going to go with a distressed and deteriorated look but I think I need to build the scene first then reverse engine the destruction into it
also I started on a lighting design… I used radiosity on very very low levels.
basically I wanted to see if the lighting scheme would work, without doing a 8 hr render, so the image looks a bit blotchy…
anyway, forward progress…
ahh, its really shaping up. i like the update
can you render out at a higher radiosity level (medium quality) at smaller dimensions?
nice! I think the light is off though and the texture on the dome might be streached. Other than than, Nice work!
keep it up!
curious… nirvana, what about the lighting is off…? Radiosity is at any serious level but you do get a general covering of all the surfaces, curious as to what you see, or don’t see…
Soulty I am going to do a partial render once I get all the modeling done…
actaully this is what I had in mind: after all the modeling is done… do a 100% render with radiosity full throttle… then deconstruct it to the perfect decay state… then do another full render…
and finally add all the textures and surfaces ending the final render…
think that may be interesting…
hope so anyway…
P.S. don’t worry tho I am going to have the loose wall fragments in front of that dome thingy… maybe even bits if the roof that have fallen away… :cons:
well… I thought that the shadows and light source wasn’t the same for the background and the fore ground… but now that I look at it again, it looks ok my bad.
not a problem… sometime people see things we don’t, it’s good to have a second pair of eyes on a project, things always slip through the cracks…
the last image i did, someone said that the left side of that scene looked as if it was a mirror…“what the heck is that mirror doing outside on the patio”
I took a second look at the image and sure enough…
it looked like a mirror… D’oh!
just want to post the completion of that balcony… started on a roof this morning… I guess this weekend I will start on the dome thingy… maybe it will turn into a mausoleum (sp) or a lookout who knows…
very nice detail on the rails. the whole scale thing looks a little weird atm, but i m sure as you will add detail it will start to look right.
nice update.
small update… I was going to start on the dome this weekend but haven’t decided what it should look like so I just started on the outter railing instead
this is going to be a large project I feel… :pleased:
it´s coming together very nice, looks like a scene from prince of persia, cool; but Im not sure about the pattern in the floor, maybe change the colors…?? or experiment with others, and the tubes in the floor look like they r floating, one last thing, I think that balcony is beautiful but not the last, I prefer the one before this one, nice job!