3D fiend (Max) Work In Progress

I’ve started on a new model. This one, still in the early stages, will be a fiend/devil-type character and I’m going to eventually rig it for animation. The hands were created using Digimation’s Creature Creator (not really worth the price, but you can salvage some useful things from the models you create). I’m going to model the rest using poly modelling techniques in Max. I’ve also picked up some new material mapping skills so hopefully I should be able to texture it more convincingly than my previous models.

Here’s the first shot of the arms and hands:

oh cool! its almost cartoonish looking, i really like it a bunch! render with brazil? anyway taht is gonna be sooo cool! i cant wait!

I was going for a cartoony feel, it’s the first time I’ve ever really done anything like this so I hope it turns out ok.

Here is an update:

And another one just for the hell of it:

ahhhhh! This is like the proffessional samples! Awesome maan!
But I think it should have a more athletic body! I mean the hands are all muscled and the tummy is a … a beer-tummy!
But Nice model man!

It is so cool, but the proportions are not really right, but maybe that’s why it is a cartoon figure :slight_smile:

Yeah, I wanted him squat with big 'ol hands. I have no idea how I’m going to model the head yet, but I think I’m going to put him in boots rather than model feet for him. I wanted it to have a cartoony feel about it so the proportion thing was intentional. I can show you the version I did with a more trimmed stomach. I wasn’t too sure that it was going that well and I think it might add to the overall character if he had a pot belly… dunno really. tell me what you think of the one with muscles:

his tendril things remind me of the borg ones

that’s much better!

i don’t get how you can do stuff like that. Are you setting every point single, or how are you doing it ?

Another Model? :stuck_out_tongue: lol

Looking good,

:: very cartoony look, looks intresting, Hands look like they have some great detail on them, i get the picture of hunchback small body big features character when i looked at your screenshots. :slight_smile:

I could really see this character dressed in a ragged clothing, some linen cloth for pants, cuts and rips, even maybe some dynamics on the cloth.

Great start :smirk:

I use poly-modelling techniques. This one is pretty much selecting edges and extruding them into more polys then fine tuning the mesh by moving vertices around. It’s tedious work… Some people use sub-division to make work faster (starting with a larger mesh and dividing it to add detail). I’ve never really had much experience with sub-division and I’m not sure if max has the right tools to do it? Perhaps I’m wrong, max seems to have lots of little hidden tools.

(if anyone knows where to find tool for sub-division in max I’d love to know ):slight_smile:

–>Soulty, I wish I could say those hands were mine, but I borrowed them from a plugin ;( - I dare say I could have modelled them… given the time!

thats kool, didnt read all of your first post ,ooppps :wink: . If you have the tools , use them! thats what i say. Some people still use Poser models for advertising ! :!:

Subdivide is in the modifier stack…Also you can use HSDS (for finishing) from the modifier stack. I use a combination of polymodelling and subdivide just depends on my mood…Working on a poly modeled car right now for a ad. maybe I will post when I am finished.

Dont feel bad about using plugins no since in recreating the wheel. Most company’s use poser anyway. I know we do…then we export into max. If you have the tool use it.

Another great method is useing the loft modifier… or whatever it is! of cross-section! Spline modeling is very popular!

lol using my lines now 3d-iva, “if you have the toll use it”,lol :stuck_out_tongue: so true though, and the new poser is a pretty amazing application. It’s slowly turning into the “bryce” of character design. Which is awesome. :beam:

Pot belly! the muscles dont look right. i donno, cause then the torso is little and the arms are big. and it looses the feel. looks great though!

I agree! the pot belly rocks! good work m8

yay! someone agrees!

yeah i think the belly one has more character, but that depends on how the rest of the body looks.