3d Help Needed Asap!


Can someone please be so kind as to make the following image in a 3D program! Doesn’t have to be very complex just something that resembles this image!
It’s supposed to be a half sphere with meridians and parallels! The two colours are needed so that the lines can be distinguised!

Thank You Very Much! :bandit:

I can make a wirefrmae of a half circle for you but as far as getting the lines to be a different color I will not have timw to experiment with that do you want me to make a wireframe half circle for you??

Yes please I would be very grateful! Can you save it so that I can open it in PS and edit it?

Thanks again! :slight_smile:

3D-iva hasn’t done it yet so could someone else please help me out! I need it asap! :crazy:

patience my friend, if 3d-iva said he will then he will. =)

I’m not sure that you understand! I would be patient if I had the time! However, this is not the case and I need the help now as I am working on a school project! =)

cookie, the cover you sent me is fine. it works well and looks good. keep it.

Thanks mdipi.com but this is not related to the cover but to another part of my project! I just need half a sphere in 3D with the meridians and the parallels in diff. colours!(-:

Sorry man I was trying to do it in swift v3. CAuse I am at afriends house who does not have max. But I could not get rid of the diagonal lines. Sorry man. If you do not have a solution by the time I get home I will hook you up one from max

here is one with out the hidden edges

No problem thanks you very much and sorry for the rush!

Here’s something I made real fast. =)

Thanks electrongeek!

Yeah electrons seems to be more suited for what you need. Swift handles polygons pretty weird. With the diagonal lines and all. Sorry for the delay.

Ok I’m bored so I made another one that has a lil more perspective than the firs one. =)

Thanks electrongeek! Is there anyway that you could colour the parallels? It would help a lot! I tried doing it in PS but it’s a pain!:hair:

Sorry, I’ve never tried to colorize them so I don’t have a clue and I’m not home right now so I guess PS is the only way for you now.