Can someone please be so kind as to make the following image in a 3D program! Doesn’t have to be very complex just something that resembles this image!
It’s supposed to be a half sphere with meridians and parallels! The two colours are needed so that the lines can be distinguised!
I can make a wirefrmae of a half circle for you but as far as getting the lines to be a different color I will not have timw to experiment with that do you want me to make a wireframe half circle for you??
I’m not sure that you understand! I would be patient if I had the time! However, this is not the case and I need the help now as I am working on a school project! =)
Thanks but this is not related to the cover but to another part of my project! I just need half a sphere in 3D with the meridians and the parallels in diff. colours!(-:
Sorry man I was trying to do it in swift v3. CAuse I am at afriends house who does not have max. But I could not get rid of the diagonal lines. Sorry man. If you do not have a solution by the time I get home I will hook you up one from max