3d max modelling

please let me know how to model a machine through 3dsmax.
as i hav to model a machine using this.

let me have any tutorial.

I’ve moved this over to D&D, as it doesn’t belong in the Battle forum.

Well done kit… people can be very demanding sometimes… hehe

Im sure someone will be around to help pretty soon.

It’s a tough life being a mod. :slight_smile: Maybe Dan can lend a hand, I know he’s pretty good with with 3DS Max…

murtaza, you’re pretty vague about the description of the machine you’re trying to create. My best bet would be to go through the tutorials on the tutorial thread.


yeah there are diff kinds of modelling spline, polygon, shape…I recommend starting off with spline or polygon…those the easiest to get the hang IMO…

oh, I’ve tried spline modelling, I hate it… REALLY hate it… it NEVER does what I tell it to…

The loft thing is pretty neat!

i like poly modeling myself, i suck at it though

I can’t even imagine how they make the ppl in Mafia, GTA 3, Splinter Cell and max Payne! I suck!

they use a lot of mapping and polymod…it is not that hard (poser makes it a lil easy) I can thing of harder things to model…

I think polymodeling is the most versatile of the bunch.

I always heard that humans are the hardest thing to model?

All the tut’s you’d need to get started are here: http://www.cgtalk.com/showthread.php?threadid=21263

Humans are definitely the most time consuming to model and they are hard to model convincingly. I guess it’s the same with drawing, I find humans a little harder to draw too.