In Max6, I have let’s say a standard sphere. I converted this into an editable mesh.
A problem is that when I select edit faces the lines for the sphere doesn’t show.
Like usually they would show faces seperately by using those 3D lines/grids that go around the shape but they aren’t showing and most of the time I have to be careful of what face I’m selecting.
How can I fix this?
Also, what are some good ways to model? I know there has to be a better way to model than just selecting a bunch of squares/faces and pushing them in/out.
F4, F3, F2 for the wireframe stuff… and there are modeling techinques like lofting box modeling. nurbs all kinds of stuf… you just have to read a lotta tutes
Top left of the viewport, right click on the word Perspective, Top, whatever viewport it it, and make sure “Smooth and Highlights” and “Show Edged Faces” are selected. Best of both wireframe and smoothed objects
Well this is a VERY broad question. How to model?
There are thousands of ways to model bro, ask some specifically. Modeling with what? Polys? Nurbs? what?
I’m asking what types of things do people usually model with? Like do they use box modelling? Poly? Nurbs? I’m asking in general. Anyone can answer with whatever they use the most and why. This helps me learn what some good methods for certain shapes are.
Since your using max 6, you’ll be wanting to poly model a basic shape and meshsmooth it using NURMS. Jumping straight into modelling a car… it’s alot for a beginner. Try something easier first is my suggestion.
I don’t exactly mean modelling cars. But things with modelling frames. Like ever taken a close look at a cellphone? The frame of it? The battery with the perfect curves…