3d Movement

I have read the camera tutorials on ultrashock, but I need something clarified! :tie: My basic question is this: If you take a car for example and you want to move it in the x,y and z axes, and make it look like the car is 3d and not flat, does the car itself have to be a 3D model or will moving “the camera” do the job? Also say that the car jumps off a ramp and does a roll? Imagine the car from the side and now rolling, how would something like this be made? Using the 3d model of the car and simply rotating it? Would it be a frame by frame thing?

Many questions! Perhaps someone has seen something like this? I know that it can be done in director, but I have never used director and I’m getting quite familiar in flash mx so I’m hoping that it can be done in this? Please if someone has tried and it doesn’t work in flash, let me know so that I can explore another software option for this 3d thing! (-:

One possible solution is to Use a 3rd Party application. They range in price. Swift 3d is probably the cheapest.

You can model simple in Swift, or more complex in something like 3D studio max. It can render 3d Animations in Vector format, which greatly reduces the size of your swf files.

Upper range is Plasma and Director 8.5. Plasma supports bones, physics and all the nice stuff. Director can give you Shockwave 3D and interactive 3D elements (like games).

It’d be alot harder to do this stuff frame by frame… but it is possible.