Seeing a previous thread, I thought I would show you an example of simple surface modelling to create an ‘ANT ALIEN’ that you could use in an animation…
I use 3ds max for some modelling but mostly solidworks… this project was how I started to learn 3d software
I think it is nice for 3d newbies to see how a project could develop, no other reason for posting it!
draw front and side views on paper of your creature
scan in and position in background on 3d software (in corresponding isometric viewports)(isometric = front, side…)
mark guide lines in (3d software) along critical surfaces on the hand drawings
create lots of small patches and line up the anchor points on each patch with the guide lines you have drawn
join patches together and use the many anchor points you have to alter the model
ooops… ONLY DO HALF THE FACE… because you use the reflect tool to creat a whole face (assuming symmetry)
the bumpy texture is done using filters and is really trial by error