3ds Max - Brazil skylight problem

As you can see in the attatchment. the shadow created by using the brazil renderer in 3d studio max, and the skylight and
csg server ground plane, is rather poor (this is not due to compressing as it happens when i render it normally in 3ds). How can i make the shadow better but still use the sky light and ground plane?



I think someone else had a problem with this also. Go to www.splutterfish.com . And log in to your account and go to their IRC chat. I guarantee you will get the info you need. Not many use brazil here I believe. Also try getting ahold of Richard over at sputterfish (his email is contact@splutterfish.com )

I’d suggest not using brazil’s ground plane. It’s not real geometry and only meant for a quick render to see where the shadows will fall. For nice renders you’ll have to make geometry (plane primitive, or whatever) for the shadows and GI to work properly.

You could also try upping the # of samples to get a cleaner render… although I think that if you try using geometry as a ground plane it will suit your needs.

I’ve attached a pic I did very early this year when I first got brazil. The ground plane is just an extruded spline. It took me a while to get the hang of the settings, but trust me, the geometry ground plane method works better.

ooops did not read his post correctly…did noy see the csg ground plane portion…

wow, that second attachment is schweeeet. i’d give it a 15 out of 10 :slight_smile:

really !!! why post something so good !!

it reminds me off the tank off ghost in the shell !!

absolutley bretah taking !!

*in awe !!

eh? It’s the only thing I’ve really done in the last year that isn’t low poly… and it’s proof that brazil can make almost anything look good.

so … what you are telling everyone is that you have better artwork then this lying around you hardrive !!!

HOLY COW !! :beam:

*still in awe

hehe, better low poly stuff anyway.

Sorry about the off topic Human M :blush: