if anyone here ever used 3ds max and know how to get a good HDRI render i need ur advice on this one
i’ve been learning 3ds max just for a couple weeks and i make this HDRI rendered scene but on the sphere there is like a line between the lighter and the darker colour. Do anyone know how to make that dissapear?
That line is the reflection of the ground plane. If you get rid of it so the sphere is just floating then you won’t have that reflection any more…
I’m not sure if you can selectively reflect things… maybe somehow exclude the plane from the reflection. There’s probably an option nestled away somewhere, but I’ve never used or found it. I doubt it would be used very often as the reflection pretty much renders everything (which you would logically want it to do to get a more accurate render).
Even in that 3D total render it is reflecting the ground plane, it’s just darker so you don’t notice it as much.
You can make it invisible from the object properties, but if you hide it from the reflections the effect will not be the same, if you don’t need the background in white just change the color for a darker one, if you need it white, just let it like that, it is pretty good.
I’m not talking about removing the plane compleatly from visability. In maya there’s a checkbox that says “do not make this plane visible in reflections” I could have sworn it was in max also. If not, my bad :).