3ds max question

I’v got a sphere as an editable mesh, how can I select a circle of polygons on its face?

is there any “paint” selection methods in max? not sure.

Paint selection?

think xsi has it, where you can get like a brush and your able to paint the faces you want to select. easy than just clickin on each face.

never mind, let one of 3dmax dudes answer this one.

like vertex paint or UV mapping? If not go into sub object mode and select polygons or vertes. Then in a side view with the selction tool. Drag a square around the front of the circle.

Hey good idea. Man I feel so dumb. Thanks

You can change the selection tool to circular if the square one isn’t selecting the faces you like.

Oh. How?

keyboard shortcut ‘x’ toggles the “active” axis… perhaps you inadvertantly toggled it off?