Um… Just out of curiosity… How long will we be using instead of www.kirupaforum.com??? If it is short term one, I do not want to memorize that number, which looks scary to me… :beam:

Oh… When I press the ‘forums’ from the top navigation, it still throws me to www.kirupaforum.com and then it redirects back to here… I’m on 56k… Arg… It already is slow enough… :mad:

the domain will populate soon…

patience young Jedi…



it seems like there is a glitch some where. not of the nav buttons will load for me:-\

its also a shame that loads of post have gone missing…


we’ll be using that IP until kirupa finds out his password for his domain account… then he’ll switch it…

yea when tried to come here it was saying forbidon. and i thought i got banned:*(

Ouch… Forgotten password??? Hehe… Happens to me all the time… lol…

well, it’s not his fault… it’s his first Server’s fault… they sucked, and didnt give him any of the information…

www.kirupafourm.com is working now. atleast for me=)

alex you look so much like a kid next to me in lockers at school! i cant belive it! but yeah it works here too. and Blue where did you come from? almost 400 posts and not once have i seen you lol!

Hey everyone,
The domain should start to work any minute for all of you. I changed the server settings yesterday, and it takes a few days for all the domain servers around the world to update to the new address. In a short while, everyone will see the new site using kirupaforum.com instead of the IP.

Kirupa :cool:

Hey Cyan… if you didn’t notice yet…

[AS]trace(“Kirupa finally got the AS tags up!”)[/AS]


And kirupaforum.com redirects you here, so you don’t need to know the number.

It is just until the domain DNS gets updated to redirect here. Should be a day or two.

****, Kirupa beat me :hrmph:

thank god, i was getting a message saying forbiddion. and i thought i got banned. i almost had a heart attact:-\ :trout:

*Originally posted by mdipi.com *
**alex you look so much like a kid next to me in lockers at school! i cant belive it! but yeah it works here too. and Blue where did you come from? almost 400 posts and not once have i seen you lol! **

lol mabye it is me:P

Oh yes, in the secret council we were planning on banning you alex…I must have forgotten to do that. brb :beam:

i thought that there wasnt a secret council? =)

*Originally posted by Alex *
**i thought that there wasnt a secret council? =) **

And if they told you or anyone else different…it wouldn’t be a secret - now would it ? :x:x:x:x:x… =)

…this thread never happened…

this thread will self destruct in 5 seconds:stuck_out_tongue:

I’m glad that you guys are able to use www.kirupaforum.com again… I guess I’ll have to wait a little bit longer since it isn’t working for me… Does this have to do with 56k also??? :frowning: Kidding… I think it’s just slow around here…

Howdy… :wink: Well… I joined the club on 02-04-2003 so it hasn’t been that long… and I don’t usually post in this Random forum to avoid all the physical and verbal abuses from other people… Hehe… I’m just kidding… I am the quiet one and I think that’s why you don’t get to see me often around here… :wink:

Seriously??? AS tag is available in Kirupa too??? Yay… Great!!! I’ll see if there is any thread I can try that tag… Thanks again… :wink:

you’re not crazy Cyanblue… the domain name is not active as of 4:50 AM EST.

I’m sure it will be working very shortly though… these things rarely take more than a day to get working.