A bad day at work indeed

And you thought your day was bad? British marines training off the coast of So. Africa, a real pic!


lol thats a good one!

**chreerckGET US OUTTA HERE!chreerk

chreerkauto response from the piolt:I am away from the joystick right now, leave me a mesage and i will get back to you as soon as possible…chreerk**


**Hmmm…like i said Mr. i cant fit you in for a filling until at least the 25! **

“The kirupa moderators send mdipi.com down the ladder to throw spam at the shark”

Hahaha, I like Dan’s!


“We’re gonna need a bigger boat!”

[SIZE=1]:: said with my best Roy Schieder voice ::[/SIZE]


Coming from one of the other guys in the water:

“I wanna be an <i><u>Airborne</i></u> Ranger…”

Rev :elderly:

I like Dan’s the best :slight_smile:

I vote Dan too :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t worry, I can’t win any of these either =)

I just don’t have the humour in me… sigh

I think I’ll go cry in a corner now… :frowning:

no wait… is that the cheese calling me from yonder kitchen? Better go have a looksie… =)

Is that mushy cheese Eilsoe :o

Muahahaaa!! :evil::evil:

crap, gotta go to the theatre today… :sleep:

I’ll make it later :evil:

That pic isn’t real i’ve seen it before.

I thought it was fake from the beginning… doesn’t mean it can’t be captioned :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh i know but midpi said it was real when it is so not:)

“Today on the great outdoors we will be shark fishing. We will be using a Freshly Captured Osama Bin Laden as bait. Watch as the shark is atracted to his stink” :slight_smile:

Oh, I didn’t see where he said it was real. Yeah, it definitely is not though :-\

4 things about the image.

  1. Sharks don’t generally jump out of the water.

  2. They don’t usually attack humans unless provoked.

  3. The shape of the sharks head would not allow the shark to do anything but knock the swimmer off of the ladder. The angle of the sharks jaws put it at a disadvantage in certain instances, and this would be one of those times.

  4. The shark just looks superimposed…