A better attempt: Honda Civic Hatchback

OK… Updated the Chopped image.

  • Took care of the tribal vinyl.
  • Removed the gradient mask.
  • Softened the highlights.

Lookin better guys?

:thumb: Way better than that green one!

NOS sticker is not angled right…and now the wheels are really starting to kill me…lol. The color looks tons better.

Dude! Why are the wheels killing you NOW? I haven’t run over you yet! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll take care of the NOS sticker shortly. :thumb:

wheels are cute but you’re going to have trouble driving since they aren’t attached to anything like an axel… and stopping might be a bit of a problem without brake calipers lol.

Hmmm… I’m judge and I’m jury and I’m executioner too…

Errrm… Sorry got carried away by one of Metallica’s tunes…

About the chop: Will modify soon. Thanks for the insights :thumb: