Why Am I Banned? Cuz You Are!

Why am I (pixelmorder) banned from KirupaForums?

lol, what did I do?


becuase you were a bad boy:block:

Whoops, I didnt see the “you have 24 hours to change your caption”… lol

I wasnt whining on my last post, I was kidding around.

I forgave Unflux after he accused me of ripping LostInBeta, but then he accused me AGAIN of ripping his site. That’s when I lost it.

My caption read “I’m with Unflux” for 2 months (give or take a few days), why is it just becoming a problem? If you wanted it removed, I would’ve loved an email.

I am not bragging or anything, but my site has been getting huge (getting over 150,000 - 200,000 hits per month), this is my fav. forum, but if ya’ll hate me that bad, I guess I will leave.

So, bye.

Good luck Kirupa, Unflux, Electrongeek, etc.

NOO !!! I dont hate you. ?

You are cool man ?

What is this chill it out ! stay on this forum !


And I hope the " Admins" will answer his Q, and make a end on this “rip” “stuff” on this “poor” guy ?

*Originally posted by whyamibanned *
**Whoops, I didnt see the “you have 24 hours to change your caption”… lol

I wasnt whining on my last post, I was kidding around.

I forgave Unflux after he accused me of ripping LostInBeta, but then he accused me AGAIN of ripping his site. That’s when I lost it.

My caption read “I’m with Unflux” for 2 months (give or take a few days), why is it just becoming a problem? If you wanted it removed, I would’ve loved an email.

I am not bragging or anything, but my site has been getting huge (getting over 150,000 - 200,000 hits per month), this is my fav. forum, but if ya’ll hate me that bad, I guess I will leave.

So, bye.

Good luck Kirupa, Unflux, Electrongeek, etc. **

I’m pretty sure the ban isn’t permanent. So I would email one of the mods and explain that you didn’t read the post. and when (if) they let you back, I suggest you start behaving yourself :confused:

i’ve been reading about this whole thing all along. i’m not going to take sides or anything b/c this is none of my business, i was just wondering how the heck your site is getting 150,000+ hits a month?

i mean you don’t have any content on your site really…just some contact information, links, and a few other things. the layout is nice, but it’s just some simple html and frames. i was just wondering.


notice the word “unique” in regards to the number of hits was not used… :wink:

my site gets around 110,000 hits/mo just by my visits, along with a few others…


Hmmm, you can see my webstats at: www.pixelmorder.com/webstats

I’m done here. Kirupa, if you’d be nice enough to unban me, I would greatly appreciate it. Just PM me if you do (it’ll show up in my email) so I can come back.



why don’t you email him?
what if he doesnt read this thread?

No one emailed me when I was banned :confused:

They said in a thread “if you dont remove your avatar caption you’ll be banned”… I never saw the thread, and I got banned.

Nice, eh?

rofl… well ok, don’t email them then…

*Originally posted by whyamibanned *
**No one emailed me when I was banned :confused:

They said in a thread “if you dont remove your avatar caption you’ll be banned”… I never saw the thread, and I got banned.

Nice, eh? **

Well, you shouldn’t have had that above your avitar, now should you? You were warned way before “the thread” …

Take it like you did it, apologize for it, and you may be let back in. Otherwise, your IP will be banned, if that is what you want, and continue to post under another user name…

It’s now up to you again…

What do you want?


A hit is every time something is accesd or downloaded from your server. Everything some one has to download form your stie when they vist is counted as a hit.

You are only getting 15,000 visitors a month. Each person vist could cause up to 100 hits. Niver go buy your hit cout as to how many ppl ahve visted your site go buy the vistors. I used to make the same mistake. 15,000 visits is sitll a pretty good vistor rate.

My tracker counts total hits and unique hits. Unique hits goes by IP address to see if they visited previously so it will only count 1 of their visits. I am guessing yours goes by hits and visitors sintax?

I agree lost…

unique hits is the only way to see how much your site is visited…


Ya it shows vistiors and hits. Visitors it the only really acurate way i have of telling how many uppl have viewd. I dont’ think it handles the IP and only counts it once bt i could be mistaken.

In the long run it is never something i have been overly concerd with. It is only there to refernce clients to.


To my knowledge, no posts were deleted from this thread…

If you have a prob with the way Mods are treating you, you should email Kirupa, and keep this sniping off of the public boards… it just makes you sound like you are jumping to the conclusion that you are being treated unfairly, and there isn’t any evidence of that (that I can see anyway)…


I must have accidently deleted it the other day when I was going thru pixelmorders previous thread. I am not sure, but I am assuming it was me. I meant to delete my post but must have snapped yours in the process. Apologies all around.



Jubba doesn’t remember…
