I’ve got a friend he wants to learn Photoshop CS. He asked for my suggestion about any good books. I’m not really a Photoshop person I sort learn it by try and error, anyway I promised him that I’d find a good one for him.
So does anyone know any good Photoshop CS books out there? :ne:
I already have one in mind, “Photoshop CS Bible”. Do you think there are any better ones?
not to stop you from buying a book, but i dont think photoshop needs a reference book to learn, it has a HUGE following on the internet and there is basically tutorial after tutorial available for free, also the fact that photoshop can be taught with just trial and error. It all depends on what length you would like to know photoshop, what would you use it for? what do you want to learn? these will really determain if you need a book or what kind of book you need.
Personally i have self taught myself photoshop, along with some effect tutorial i have used them to create my own methods. one thing to remember, there is never one way in photoshop, in the end even with a book you will eventually trial and error.
It all depends on what length you would like to know photoshop, what would you use it for? what do you want to learn? these will really determain if you need a book or what kind of book you need.
My friend’s into graphics design and photography.
i totally agree with books Nathan, thats why i was trying to say what i wanted to say without telling him that books arent a good idea. I have bought books regarding coding and programming based, i just always felt that photoshop was “get in there and get dirty” kind of app.
I guess its always good to have printed material to read up on though, the books that you mentioned are ones i would say to get if you are going to get books, and maybe tell your mate to look into a specialised book for photography and photoshop, new features such as “raw” capabilities would be good for him to look into.
The bible one you mentioned Michael is pretty good which provides a good mix of reference, definitions and tutorials.
The books DDD mentioned focuses more on features users love more to vibrate their sites like effects within simple tutorials. If you have alot of money to spend and you like reading well all three books wont hurt, just hurt your eyes.