A gun!

lol I made a gun in 3ds max! Always wanted to make one! It’s low-poly! Nothing much! It’s no detailed so it could go with a game or sth!
//I’ll start makin’ it more detailed!

And here it is for a game! (pic from counter-strike, gun from 3ds max)


That’s awesome…wish I could do stuff in Max. Just don’t have much need for it right now. <sigh>

Not bad Syko. =)

heyy…aaa why don’t we sell gun magazines

lol nice addition there…:wink:
hey uh, don’t mean to be mean, but some parts of the gun seem abit…paper?

oh and we should get some 3dmax tutorials up soon =)
(me want to learn)

hsadan, check the sticky tutorial thread here in this section for some 3dmax tutorials. =)

paper? tolda ya it was low-poly!
It’s not detailed at all, just the main shape!

hm…maybe u could make ur texture more metal? :slight_smile:

the texture is in the Maps\misc folder <-- I got itfrom there and thought I’d make a gun! So maybe you know where to get good textures like this?

*Originally posted by Syko *
**heyy…aaa why don’t we sell gun magazines

and when they buy a magazine, we can give them a carton of milk with the same picture on it


THATS AWSOME! :angry: i havent used MAX in to long…

*Originally posted by hsadan *
**oh and we should get some 3dmax tutorials up soon =)
(me want to learn) **



I KNOW! dont ask ?'s like these untill you look there!

I think he meant for kirupa.com to get some 3ds max tutorials up lost… Lol:skull:

Oh, well if thats the case… thats not my fault, I don’t do 3dmax :frowning:

It is my fault the PS tutorials aren’t up yet though… but shhhhh.

Any ideas for tutorials there?

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *

http://www.kirupaforum.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13133 **

i’m a bit lazy to go through the different sites :beam:
or maybe i just missed that thread since i haven’t been coming for some time…:wink:
oh and thx for the link