A once over please

Would you guys mind giving our site the once over in your different browsers and operating systems?


i love it.
the colors are wicked, and you’ve got a nice hook with that pipe on all the pages.
very, very, very good.


looks fresh and clean to me. I dig the pipes. It’s a nice lil’ theme
running through. I don’t particularly like the red, as a personal
opinion, but it does look good anyway.

Hope you succeed, good luck!


Looks good! Now do it all over in Flash! :bad:

*Originally posted by ilyaslamasse *
**Looks good! Now do it all over in Flash! :bad: **


looks very nice. I can’t help but think of mt’s (media temple) site. your’s resembles it…maybe. I just think of media temple when i see yours.
but very nice. indeed

Definitely one of the cleanest hosting sites I’ve seen and most of them out there are really messy looking. Great job. =)

hm… i wont call it a rip off, but it really really looks like Media Temple’s old version… :sure:

Yeah I like it. Simplistic and consistant.


Nice site, like the colours (easy on my eyes) and it loads/renders fast even on this POS laptop I am on.

Only thing that bugged my eyes a bit (may be because Im tired) is the dotted outlines on the menu (not on the pages). Probally just me :slight_smile: :trout: