A proverbial rubics cube

hi everyone.
I’m trying to create something which I thought was going to be easy but seems to be driving me mad I hope someone can help.
You can go through it in flash to see if it helps.
I’m trying to create a moving button that moves about and when you “roll over” it stops and when you “roll out” it continues on its path. When you click the button it brings up any given information or movieclip.

This is what I’m doing so far:

I’m create a square and convert it to a button and call it “squarebutton”, then convert it again to a movieclip and call that “squaremovieclip”. I give instances to each with the same name as their movieclips.
I now have a button within a movieclip.

I double click the movieclip so I’m inside “squaremovieclip”, I copy the frame and paste it at frame 5 and the frame 10. I move frame five up and then add motiontween to make it move up and down. I then assign this action script to the button:

on (rollOver) {
stop ();
on (rollOut) {
play ();

O.k so it movies up and down and starts and stops when I want it to.

Now when I click on it I want it to open a box called “info”.
“Info” is a moveclip with the instance “infomation”. It sits on the main timeline on frame 20.I’ve placed the action stop on frame one and frame 20.

I go back into the movieclip and assign the button with this:
on (press) {
tellTarget ("_root.information") {

Now when i play the movie and click the button i get this information come up:
Target not found: Target="_root.information"Base="_level0.squaremovieclip"

What am i doing wrong and why doesn’t it open the movie clip on the main timeline??

any answers


You are on frame 1, the movie is stopped.
You want something to happen to a clip which is on frame 20.
As far as frame 1, where your button is, is concerned, everything from frame 2 onwards simply doesn’t exist!
You can’t interact with a clip before it 1st shows up in the timeline!
Why have your “info” in frame 20, either move it off stage to frame 1, or just gotoAndplay (20) where it is.
And most of all, get rid of teel target!!!
_root.info.play(); or _root.gotoAndPlay(20); //better to use a label nstead though…

Hi, thanks for replying…

I tried what you said, I got rid of the tell target and replaced it with:

on (rollOver) {
stop ();
on (rollOut) {
play ();
on (press) {
gotoAndPlay ("_root.box");

But unfortuantly its still not working…It’s still a mystery…any more suggestions I can try?

Is there any way I can supply the test .fla I’ve been working on for you to have a look at? Did you have a go at doing it from what I posted earlier?

Ahh my head hurts…its got to logical…it must be something I’m doing wrong.


so are u using tweens to do this or actionscripted movement?

Heres an action script thing that changes the movement of a thing when its rolled over and then goes back to what its doing… :slight_smile: