A question about button rollovers

Hey!! I want to know if you guys can help me with rollovers on certain buttons. (I think thers a tutorial on this site about advanced rollovers but i don’t know where it is. Please if you can tell me how to make rollovers for buttons that take longer than one frame so it can do a certain thing when u move your mouse over it. Can you pleaes help, Thanks in advance!

You could make the rollover image a movie clip symbol, then place the movie clip in the Over Keyframe of the Button… you could make the rollover animation last as long as you like by adjusting the length of the movie clip.

There’s a tutorial on how to do this here : http://www.kirupa.com/developer/flash5/animatedrollover.htm which should help you on the way.

thanks kit and ironikart for helping me out, both of those are great. It really helped out, thank you! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Some just asked about the same thing and I posted a simple example, maybe it will give you some ideas. =)

Take a look at this thread.
