A Soldiers Prospective

yeah, i get it from the military perspective. but from a social one, it’s not that great.

Well… let me give my input here.

To the soldier: Man, i admire you for your noble choice, your ideals, and your passion with your job.

I believe that in an ideal world all what you said about your job would be right, unfortunately we´re not living in a ideal world… I don´t have a problem with soldiers (and i belive no one has), but i do have a huge problem with the war pigs.
You better than me know who they are… those fat bastards that treat war like games, that use the military force as pawns in a big chess board, where the goals are personal gain and vanity.
Those ppl have no respect for others… they smash small coutries, and destroying their culture saying that was helping… when we know that they´re only helping themselves.
Replacing oposing leaders for fearing acolytes, on the expense of the lives of soldiers, innocents and childrems.

Those are the ppl that i direct my anger, not you.


By the way, my first impulse when reading your post, was to ask, “Is this something that all soldiers are required to memorize before completing Boot Camp?”

what do you mean?

what i meant is that i got the feeling that i was hearing military propogangda. ‘I am an army of one’, yada yada yada. Although it was well-written, it just gave me the intitial impression that this is the mantra of the average soldier.


My brother expresesd his opinions to me and I wrote it out for him, with him over my shoulder to make sure I did not represent anything he didnt want. And I have never gone through boot camp, so it is not propaganda it is just his thoughts

I understand that those were his thoughts. My point is that his thoughts do not seem any different then what i would call ‘the typical soldiers’ thoughts. Of course he thinks he’s doing the ‘right thing’, otherwise he wouldn’t be a soldier, correct?

and you think you are doing the right thing otherwise you would not be protesting-Correct?

I have a pretty military immediate family. My father and older brother are in the Army and my younger brother got a medical discharge from the Air Force.

About basic training, it’s goal is to build you into an army of one. But what they don’t say is that they are planning on tearing you down and then building you back up to become a solider. You are stretched to your physical limits in boot camp and this wears down on you mentally.
My older brother had a guy that he basically ran side by side with, trained with everyday in boot camp, die in his arms. They were in the middle of some training and this guy collapased. My brother and others preformed cpr etc, but it was no use, he died at the ripe old age of 19. Despite this my brother made it through boot camp, but it’s still a tramatic experience for him.
My younger brother had a knee injury in boot camp, and they did not believe him that he had hurt it that bad, they made him work through for 2 days and then he got transfered to the medical holding place. He saw a doctor there, but didn’t getting any MRI’s for a week. Meanwhile he was stuck in limbo for about a month, he sent word to my mother and she raised hell, through the red cross, or state senator etc. While he was in the holding place he and some other trainees had to cut a guy down from an attempted suicide by hanging.
There other aspects that they put you through that everyone must do, for example when they first do a urine test at boot camp for drugs etc., they make you hold it for around 12 hours, you cannot and are not allowed to use the restroom for half a day.

So these are the bad things about bootcamp. There are good qualities to it as well, friendships are built that make you like “brothers” and you gain discpline and responsibility.

My brother and father have a soliders mentallity about somethings and others they do not. For example my father voted Nader last election who on his platform he called for a disbanding of military forces.

I do think however that there are people who do follow blindly, I mean the military is for the most part people who couldn’t make it into college, there are some that join the military to pay for college but they are not the majority. Also I know in some states certain crimminals are sentenced by either joining the military or serving jail time.

Kenny: correct. We both have an interpretation of what the ‘right thing’ is, they just happen to differ. I applaud both of us for acting on our convictions. Too bad all people are not willing to take a stand for what they believe in.


My brother is also a full time college student while he serves in the military and a college football player, so as far as people who couldnt make it, in this circumstance you are wrong. Maybe he is not the majority. It is a private school so the military does not pay for it. He pays for it himself.

As for boot camp it is not suppossed to be easy. They do not want just anyone to make it. I cant say anything about the Air Force b/c I dont know-I hope your younger brother ended up okay, thats not right. Whippersnapper- just an question of interest how do your dad and older brother feel about current issues, the service etc…

I mean the military is for the most part people who couldn’t make it into college

Dude that is just pure garbage. Perhpas some people feel inclined to serve thier country before themselves.

Jessica Lynch joined the military to pay for college, that she could otherwise not afford. Her goal in life was to become a teacher, and the military was her chosen path to realise that dream.

But i’m sure her case is just an exception, and that the military is actually filled with dutifull patriots, who put their country before themselves. How many enlistees turn down full-ride scholorships to join the Military?

That is one case Maj.

Most people join the military because they are comittied to thier country. Dont knock them because they are given some great benefits as well.

So you feel thae same for people who go work for Microsoft for stock options Etc.?

Until Microsoft Employees start killing Macinstosh Employees, because Bill Gates said so, your comparison is invalid, in my eyes.

My point is, take away army benefits, and watch the enlistment rate plummet.

Ha ha…

What a silly comparison.

Lets compare arses to elbows next.

Take the benefits away and you take maybe 2% off the top.

The clowns that are in there simply because they want. Which in turn would be a good thing, because those are the ones that make mistakes that cost lives in combat.

huh? i agree comparing Microsoft to the Military is a silly comparison, so why did you make it in the first place?

I disagree with your 2% off the top statistic. Unfortunately, there is no way to proove how a lack of benefits would effect enlistment.

::The clowns that are in there simply because the want. Which in turn would be a good thing, because those are the ones that make mistakes that cost lives in combat.::

what? im afraid i didn’t undertand these statements.

*Originally posted by Majeye *
**Jessica Lynch joined the military to pay for college, that she could otherwise not afford. Her goal in life was to become a teacher, and the military was her chosen path to realise that dream.

But i’m sure her case is just an exception, and that the military is actually filled with dutifull patriots, who put their country before themselves. How many enlistees turn down full-ride scholorships to join the Military? **

I just heard on the news that her “rescue” was set up. A perfect poster child for the military might… It may not be true, but it does sound like something the Gov’t would do to get the public behind their war… She is a cute white girl, from a small town in the middle of America… They have even made a TV movie about her rescue, and she isn’t even back in the US yet…

sounds a lot like propoganda to me.


I just read a similiar article. The article claims that the entire situation was set up, that a lot of the events were fabricated.

Also worthy of noting is how convenient it is that Ms. Lynch doesn’t recall anything at all about her ‘capture and subsequent rescue.’ But they wouldn’t lie to us, would they?

EDIT: I saw parts of 'the Jessica Lynch Story" on A&E, and i’m still trying to hold back my vomit. ;( I guess some can stomach this crap better than others…

I noticed that convenience as well…

It’s also kind of convenient that she is still in Germany, and not transported back to the US… If I broke a bone in Germany, I would be shipped back to the US in a cardboard box probably as soon as I could sit up…


*Originally posted by Majeye *
**I just read a similiar article. The article claims that the entire situation was set up, that a lot of the events were fabricated.

Also worthy of noting is how convenient it is that Ms. Lynch doesn’t recall anything at all about her ‘capture and subsequent rescue.’ But they wouldn’t lie to us, would they?

EDIT: I saw parts of 'the Jessica Lynch Story" on A&E, and i’m still trying to hold back my vomit. ;( I guess some can stomach this crap better than others… **

oh i’m glad i didn’t see this. i’m sick of the garbage the media and gov’t. are feeding this public.

*Originally posted by rere420 *
**My brother is also a full time college student while he serves in the military and a college football player, so as far as people who couldnt make it, in this circumstance you are wrong. Maybe he is not the majority. It is a private school so the military does not pay for it. He pays for it himself.

As for boot camp it is not suppossed to be easy. They do not want just anyone to make it. I cant say anything about the Air Force b/c I dont know-I hope your younger brother ended up okay, thats not right. Whippersnapper- just an question of interest how do your dad and older brother feel about current issues, the service etc… **

i don’t know about you but i see a lot of people who barely made it thru high school ended up joining the military.