A Soldiers Prospective

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**I just heard on the news that her “rescue” was set up. A perfect poster child for the military might… It may not be true, but it does sound like something the Gov’t would do to get the public behind their war… She is a cute white girl, from a small town in the middle of America… They have even made a TV movie about her rescue, and she isn’t even back in the US yet…

sounds a lot like propoganda to me.

Rev **

also, whatever happened to the BLACK woman that was imprisoned in Iraq. Didn’t the Iraqis release her also? Why isn’t she getting the same amount of coverage as Ms. Lynch. As far as we know, that could be a made up story also.

plus, the first images of the rescue was of that black woman…

then they changed their tune real quick…

She was released when Bhagdad was “liberated.” All without any press releases, etc…



*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**I noticed that convenience as well…

It’s also kind of convenient that she is still in Germany, and not transported back to the US… If I broke a bone in Germany, I would be shipped back to the US in a cardboard box probably as soon as I could sit up…

Rev **


Care to explain the meaning of your statment for me?

I really don´t understand it, so i don´t know what to think of it. Being a weird statement and all made me curious…


Sure Guigo:

I was just saying that Germany would not want to keep me there, as well as I would not want to stay there, if I were to be injured, and staying in a hospital.

I would go to the extreme of shipping myself home in a cardboard box, rather than staying in a hospital 6000 miles away from my family and loved ones, or by Doctors who speak my native language fluently.

That is all…


Why would Germany not want to keep you there?


Why would you not want to stay there? (appart from the fact that you´ll be 6000 miles away from your loved ones)

I don´t know why… maybe i´m crazy, but it seems to me that there´s more to it than meet the eyes :wink:
Perhaps you´re a persona non grata there… :stuck_out_tongue:

No, I just have faith in my countrie’s medical practices. I have no idea what goes on in Germany’s (or anywhere else I must admit)…

And it is mostly the 6000 miles from home…

I’m assuming that any foriegn hospital would want to discharge/transfer any foreign national to their own country…

but that is an assumption…


well, Brazillian public hospitals would not dispatch like that, but in the other hand… you don´t wanna be in a Brazillian public hospital :wink:

i know i don´t.

Ya know what Guig…

Youre right. I am going to do everything in my power to stay out of a brazilian public hospital…

Unless its to check out them hottie brazilian nurses…


God bless the spanish channel. Wish I had a portuguise channel too!

Hey fez:

don´t confuse brazillian ppl with spanish ppl… they´re like americans and canadians :stuck_out_tongue:

or apples and oranges

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
[ Wish I had a portuguise channel too! **

Portugeuse, huh?

Ha ha…

Its all good in the hood bro.

I am about as culturaly diverse as a stillborn donkey. Didnt mean to offend.

Long story short, your ladies are hot :slight_smile:

:evil: :evil: :evil:

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
Long story short, your ladies are hot :slight_smile:

:evil: :evil: :evil: **

I have to give Fester a big High Five on that one…



i got your meanig dude, and i took no offences there.

and yes, my ladies are hot :beam:

back to the topic:

I know alot of military guys, and so on but most of them, if not all joined either because
a) College was boring or not their thing.
b) the Benifets

I honestly dont know anyone who joined to “serve their country” I am not saying they dont know of it, and in a way they are proud. But when you take away the benifits alot wont see why they should stay. Sure not all, but many see America is a place where a person can achieve personal proseperity…

And , not be disrespectfull… but Serving one’s country is great… but… after a while it, honstly, it wears out. People stop asking what they can do for the country, and what they country can do for them…

Thats why many people in he military I know… are just trying to get out, cuz pay sucks and its not as ‘noble’ as it sounds and well… Army of “one” is honest crap!

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**Dude that is just pure garbage. Perhpas some people feel inclined to serve thier country before themselves. **

Sure, that’s possible too, right now I don’t have any facts backing up my opinion and neither do you, so as of right now both of our arguments are equally valid. Heck they could even be both not able to go to college and want to serve their country. I was mainly talking about enlisted soliders.

Rere what exactly is your brother doing is he in ROFTC, the national guard, the reserves, or is he straight enlisted? I know my older brother takes some correspondence courses, but right now he is Iraq and not able to do college. As far as asking my father and brother their feelings about this, I don’t know. We get mail from my Brother that’s atleast a month old, so I could right him but it would be two months before I get anything back from him. And my Dad I can email but I don’t know if asking him these questions would get him in trouble with the militariy’s email filter.

Whip: I was just wondering in general, if you dont know it is not really a big deal, I have just noticed that often times, when families have direct links to the military like yours and mine, they (well at least me) have much more respect for the military processes, not that people who are not directly link do not–most do but I know seeing people violently protest and sometimes silently protest but get in my etc… the troops and stuff really gets to me,especially when it is our family members risking their lives (even if it is there choice) My brother Kenny is National Guard until the day college ends and then striaght enlisted, it is a split program. My other “brother” (he grew up next door, long story) is a fire fighter whose MOS was changed to construction while he is over in Irag (army also) is straight enlisted. It is hard not get aggravated when you see a sign that says our troops are the terrorists and things like that. I repsect that they are peoples opinions and thats why I do not hit them with my car!!! Just kidding!! But, it can get to you when you are missing your family and stuff,

Troops as terrorists or babykillers.

I think some protesters have it all wrong, they blame the troops for what is military policy. I do agree that somethings the military does could be viewed as terroristic acts, for example “Operation Shock and Awe,” and the kinds of weapons that are used during war for like bombs that don’t go off, or that release a lot of shrapnel afterwards. Soliders are not responable for choosing the weapons that they use. So I can believe that Bush is a terrorist and that soliders are not.
I find it odd some of the distinctions we make. We are fighting a War on terror, so shouldn’t that make terrorists enemy combatinets or soliders? Terrorists believe they are martyrs and going to be rewarded in the afterlife? Don’t soliders risk their lives for their country and die for the country, isn’t this what a martyr is? Terrorists kill civilians and promote chaos and anarchy. War kills civilians in the form of “tatical errors” and “collaterl damage”, isn’t there looting and anarchy in Iraq right now?

I know how it hurts when people say you part of your family is a terrorist, but as long as I know the truth its not that bad. In fact my aunt actually stopped talking to my grandmother and my family because of my father and brothers military service. It doesn’t make me mad that much, it just makes me feel sorry for people who don’t understand the situation for what it is.

yes bush is a terrorist.


*Originally posted by Whippersnapper *
**Sure, that’s possible too, right now I don’t have any facts backing up my opinion and neither do you, so as of right now both of our arguments are equally valid.

On the contrary Whip, I do have facts for you. My father for instance enlisted during the Vietnam war out of raw partiotism. He felt it was his duty to serve his country in a time of war. While in Vietnam his very good friend from his squad in Basic was killed in combat right next to him. When he finished his tour, he signed right back up again to continue to serve.

Granted my old man is not one of the greatest people on this earth but I will always honor his service and bravery to this nation.