A Soldiers Prospective

ugh whatever. should i state because after every one of my statements from now on? i think i will.


i have to side with rev in this one. i too tought that your comment was more to

  1. People like you= ewwwwww…

you outta be more carefull with your not-so-wordy posts… specially considering your tendency to start flame wars.

people here are easy to anger and take everything way to personally. it’s like high school sometimes.

I dont think the problem lies with us kiddo :slight_smile:

If everyone else takes offense at your words, even though you don’t mean them to offend, then the words are still offensive.

Believe it or not Pinx, I like you. I may not agree with you all the time, but I don’t have to in order to like you. If I didn’t, we would be in a whole different tone right now. I want your priveledges here to remain as they are.

I just feel that sometimes you are misunderstood because your replies are too short. Please remember that it is extremely easy to misinterpret a simple sentence on the web, so a more verbose reply would be less likely to be misinterpreted.



I just find while the Goverment is advocating patriotism, and country pride. Remeber that Bush and Cheney both served in the Air National Guard! In Texas! Can we get any further away from combat? Especialy that there is accusations that Bush went AWOL! I find it hard for reasons to be patriotic when we have leaders that act this way?

Personaly Opinion: It’s been a while scince I’ve been truly patriotic, and I find it a bit silly now. I feel that we need to make the whole world better, and fight for the freedom of the world not each other’s country. I feel we must make everything better and not concentrate on petty “punishments” and political pressures and so on… Thats why I feel very upset when the US gov decided to “punish” France! Isnt it a bit Juvinile? Dont they have the right to express their feelings?

POW thing: How come that one famous POW, she is the perfect poster child, and she gets a free trip to hawaii… How come the other POW’s dont get the same treatment?

Russian Beer: I think that France has the right to express their feelings, but they apparently do not have the right to disagree. :thumb: