A Soldiers Prospective


Billy-married with one one the way, re-enlisted for the ove of his country and his job.

Chris-3 year old and a wife! at home-there for the love of his country. In case you needed more facts.

Granted, Whip you dont know exact people we are talking about but I think you ge the point.

:Off the subject:

Do you know if Billy is going to get any leave this summer? That would be smooth if we could throw another ripper up at his cottage in Maine.

I have a bunch of friends that joined the service for many different reasons. Serving their country was the most important on that list.

ok yes those are facts, but I what I meant was statistcis, you know like mathmatical proof that 60 percent of people join because of patrotic reasons and 40 percent because they are dumb as rocks. So far nobody has any proof that way. I can say that my brothers didn’t join because they felt it was their patrotic duty. So that’s just as good.

why did they join? Just wondering?

My younger brother wanted to become a pilot. And my older brother needed a full time job to support his family. As for my father I don’t know, I’ve never asked.

You wanted proof and facts we gave you those. Now you want statistics?


Is it that hard for you to accept that there are patriotic people in america?

I accept that there are patrotic people in fact I am reminded by every single bumper sticker, everytime I hear united we stand, everytime I see a flag outstide someones home. I never said there wasn’t patrotic people I said that I didn’t believe the majority of people joined the military because of patrotic reasons. I’m sorry I misspoke earlier when I said I wanted facts, when I wanted proof, just because you know patrotic people and I know people who aren’t as much and these are facts doesn’t give much strength to our arguments. If there was some statstics then I would gladly conceede that the majority of people are patrotic who join the military.

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**You wanted proof and facts we gave you those. Now you want statistics?


Is it that hard for you to accept that there are patriotic people in america? **

well obviously, there are people like you.

careful Whippersnapper…

there are some ppl that confuse protesters with anti-patriotics.

and some ppl that confuse debates with discussions…

We have to accept that in a debate there is no winning side.

I do believe that most part of the ppl that join the military is for patriotic reasons… but i also believe that most of them don´t ahve a clue of what´s all about, and what´s true patriotism is.

Patriotism isn´t just enbracing a flag or singing the national anthen (sp?)… nor even just joining the military… it is the constant search for what is the best for his country, even if that means to fight against it sometimes. The rulers doesn´t always do/know what is best for the country.

*Originally posted by Guig0 *

Patriotism isn´t just enbracing a flag or singing the national anthen (sp?)… nor even just joining the military… it is the constant search for what is the best for his country, even if that means to fight against it sometimes. The rulers doesn´t always do/know what is best for the country. **

Well said brother.

*Originally posted by pinx *
**well obviously, there are people like you. **

What in gods name does that mean?

I think you got them reversed, debate and discussion. You can win a debate, you can’t win a discussion. But I understand what you are saying, I don’t know if I wanted to have a winner so much as I wanted to bolster our arguments, right now we are speaking from personal experiences which is limited to ourselves and those who we know.

Fester… it is best to ignore smartarse statements like that from pinx. All it will do is incite an arguement which is what she wants…

And Guigo:

Very well said!


No worries rev.

As I satated before Pinx does not have the capibility of setting me off. I was just curious as to the extent of the personal dig.

then go ahead…

::ducks behind wall just to be safe::


I think you could take it two ways

  1. you are patrotic, so obviously he understands that there are patrotic people.

  2. People like you= ewwwwww

I think it was probably number 1, but I wouldn’t put it past her for number 2

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**Fester… it is best to ignore smartarse statements like that from pinx. All it will do is incite an arguement which is what she wants…

And Guigo:

Very well said!

Rev **

i don’t want an argument, i was just stating a fact. you can call it what you want.

*Originally posted by Whippersnapper *
**I think you could take it two ways

  1. you are patrotic, so obviously he understands that there are patrotic people.

  2. People like you= ewwwwww

I think it was probably number 1, but I wouldn’t put it past her for number 2 **

it was number one. come on, after 4 and a half years, i thought you’d know me better. :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by pinx *
**i don’t want an argument, i was just stating a fact. you can call it what you want. **

maybe you should be a little more verbose in your replies then. Several people inferred the same as I did…
