A typical client

Some have asked what a freelance designer does.

To that end, a lot of my business is from the client who has a site up already, and wants a few changes, but has not contact whatsoever with the original designer of the site, or his source files.

This type of work is almost always done on a per hour basis, and since I contract out with an ISP (he gets a better price, I get virtually all his design work), I have to be very efficient in my work to keep that contract solid.

On this project, I was given <b>click here for link</b>, a few .docs, and a few uncropped, non-optimized, funky quality images. I was not given any files with the header, etc., and it was my responsibility to make the changes without changing the design of the site, just make the changes in as little time as possible.

[edit]oh, and they wanted a nav change, but didn’t have any of the original artwork, so I had to match the font, size, and color to change a nav button[/edit]

<b>click here for link</b> is what I came up with, after following 3 pages of .doc instructions, and for four hours work.

Just thought I’d share.


where is it?
I’m not seein a link

is this the link?


32: run your mouse over the text… if your mouse turns to a finger, that is the link… :wink:

Alex, yes, if you got that url, then you must have found one of the links… :wink:

mfcellars.com/changes is the other.


Nice job rev no biggie but it has more imagery now

anyways why dont you make a sample template on paper of what theyre website could look like and seel them the idea to make a new site because honestly that red on black is depressing bro, i know clients can sometimes not want to waste money but if you make something real nice im sure they would go for a redesign and offer them the original files as well and sell them the whole package :wink: good luck buddy

no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…

unless you are doing work for Guinness, PLEASE no black…

*Originally posted by jain *
**no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…no black…

unless you are doing work for Guinness, PLEASE no black… **

I like the way you guys think that you can change the mnd of the client. In this case, I don’t have any contact whatsoever with the actual client. I am simply hired to do a job. I don’t have any artistic input, just a list of changes to do.

Like it or not, this is where a lot of a freelance designer’s money comes from. Not from being handed a free reign to design what you want.

One more time, this was to demonstrate how a freelance designer works, not an open forum for you guys to tell me how I should have done the job.

The real world works this way.


U Only changed the pic @ the top … wow

*Originally posted by HipHop *
**U Only changed the pic @ the top … wow **

actually, I had to match the current nav with a change, then match the current subnav and create another… there was a lot of HTML changes.

It’s supposed to look like I didn’t change much, except to those who knew about it.

Most jobs aren’t designing a whole new look for someone. Not all clients are willing, or feel it is necessary for that matter, to pay big bucks just because you want to make something new for them.

Sometimes this kind of gig is more demanding than a complete redesign.


so how much did you get for doing this ? what is the average hourly rate for a freelance designer?

HTML is fairly easy… i dun a whole site for £20 !!! i dont charge much

A complete new design…

HTML is the easiest laungage there is to learn. I don’t know if you’d even call it a language because it’s basically just a bunch of words and variables in brackets.

*Originally posted by HipHop *
**HTML is fairly easy… i dun a whole site for £20 !!! i dont charge much

A complete new design… **


People generally charge what the work is worth. :wink:

and no one asked how hard HTML was (this is the D&Design forum)


the market rate is $75/hr here. this is done for less due to the contract and relatively steady stream of work.


I’m glad. Again, no one asked, but thanks for the input.
