
Date: 02/18/04 13:55:44
Subject: Flash Help

This is a message from FAMUAKA23 at kirupaForum ( ). The kirupaForum owners cannot accept any responsibility for the contents of the email.

To email FAMUAKA23, you can use this online form:

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This is the message:

Hello, I read your message on the Flashkit website and I have a question for you that I figured you might be able to help me with. I am fairly new to Flash and I am wondering how to set up my Flash movie so that it shows up a certain way in Internet explorer. I checked out your website and it is similar to the way that I want mine to look. The real effect that I am going for is like the one on What I mean by that is I am trying to set my movie up so that on the main browser page when you go to my site, there are no scrolling toolbars on the side, and the image that I have created fills up the whole screen. I know that the way you change the movie size in Flash is by going to Modify>Movie… on the main toolbar, but I don’t know what to set my movie size to so that it looks like the one on the screen. Can you help me? I would greatly appreciate it.

Kelly B.

I don’t know this person, nor have I ever posted anything on Flashkit…


they always cut’n’paste their PM to all mods on all boards…
had one of these too…
maybe we should start a “worst of” archieve :wink:

you should give him/her some wacky explanation that takes them off into the bowels of photoshop and dreamweaver.

this person has 0 posts at KF as well…



I received a PM from the same person…

Flash Help

Hello, I read your message on the Kirupa website and I have a question for you that I figured you might be able to help me with. I am fairly new to Flash and I am wondering how to set up my Flash movie so that it shows up a certain way in Internet explorer. I checked out your website and it is similar to the way that I want mine to look. The real effect that I am going for is like the one on What I mean by that is I am trying to set my movie up so that on the main browser page when you go to my site, there are no scrolling toolbars on the side, and the image that I have created fills up the whole screen. I know that the way you change the movie size in Flash is by going to Modify>Movie… on the main toolbar, but I don’t know what to set my movie size to so that it looks like the one on the screen. Can you help me? I would greatly appreciate it.

Kelly B.

And IF you write back explaining everything, they just say: “I don’t understand, can you make it for me?”


lazy bums

you should give him/her some wacky explanation that takes them off into the bowels of photoshop and dreamweaver.

rofl… that’s great. :slight_smile:

Lol … I bet the mods at FlashKit have all had one of these as well :stuck_out_tongue:

Claudio’s said “Kirupa website” … maybe (s)he realised all the sudden that this was another forum :stuck_out_tongue:

I posted her email in her PS & Flash thread, let the spam bots have their way with them…

maybe public humiliation will stop this stuff…



what is it with 23-28 yr old men/women, that makes them think they are invincable?

“I can drink more, have more sex, run farther, make more money, been more places, than you”

kinda mentality…


Arghhh i posted such a polite messsage to that guy FAMUAKA23 for crossposting!
I didnt even realized that it was the same person that spammed both me and Rev.


I got one of those pm’s as well. Hey claudio - you already told him not to crosspost ? I’ve just deleted another crosspost of his … sigh

Yea i did, check the thread on DD that rev is refering to.

Lol, I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw this sentence:

and stop reporting this thread to the mods…


I think Jessica Simpson has some competition for that Nobel Science Award…


haha. The best ones I have recieived are from people PM’ing me and asking “are you kirupa?” :smiley:

Will the real Kirupa please stand up.