Recently i have been recieving alot of abuse on my sites guestbook - - Everytime someone signs the guestbook their name and IP address are sent to my email address as a notification.
This person’s IP has stayed the same for a week now with every post, is there any standard protocol for stopping abuse like this ? can i report his/her IP to anyone that can find their email address them and ask them to stop?
I use a flash/PHP guestbook and i have no way of blocking IP’s or whatever, i’m pretty new to this so excuse anything i’m saying wrong please
Thanks for any help with this annoying problem! I dont understand why total strangers have to be so nasty and do things like that.
Sorry my friend… I’ve no answers for you. Just wanted to write to say that I empathize with you. I had a similar problem a couple years back… All I ended up doing was editing his posts every night until he got bored and stopped. That of course wont work on everyone. Good luck with it.
But I am not going to get into that because my ideas are technically illegal. I used to mess with my friends comp all the time. And yes, his was the only one I messed with, I am a firm believer in treating others they way you would like to be treated and I do/will not “hack” computers without permission.
Other than that, the only think I can think of is IP Banning in PHP, but since I am still learning PHP I can’t help you out much there. I didn’t get up to that.
Very good info to know, I get someone that sends multiple blank e-mails to me usign my e-mail form. They usually type something like “sldkfjaosidfaasdf” in the comments area and put false info in all the others. Now that I know I can use htaccess I will definitely try that out:evil:
yeah u should kill the bastard!! hehe…you can just block that IP can’t you? the problems come when you get people with rotating IP’s (like me :)) its hard to block them because there ip changes everytime they conect…and if you block like 210.66.. you might block lots of people…and thats not good
i love people who do open source. Something like that should be shared… just for the sake of it. If you wouldn’t mind raydred… I’d love to have the script for that as well. I don’t currently have a use for it, but I definitely would like it in my script library.
could anyone who wants this script please e-mail a request (so i dont disappoint anyone =) ) and i’ll get that script to skidpanda here by this weekend… My e-mail address is [email protected] (nice and easy) =)
I love open source, and i feel that stuff like this should be shared. I’d rather help many people out and stop the bad misuse of the internet than gain monetary value for something that most people would overcharge for =)
(if that made sense… hehe)
Wow Raydred. This file is incredibly simple yet complex. I would have never been able to write it myself considering I only know about half of the stuff in there (actually, maybe a little more than half).
Great job and I greatly appreciate this. I will study and learn from it:)
PS: If I am not mistaken, can’t this script also be used to allow only select peoples IP address to enter a page. Like the banned IP address can become the allow IP addressed and the redirect URL could be the page they are allowed to view, where if they are not allowed to view, it would be the default page. This is, if I am not mistaken, because if it can be used like that, I have something I want to use it for.
Excellent work Raydred. I just started learning PHP like a month ago I guess. I haven’t had much time to read up on it, so I haven’t been learning for a month, just a day here and a day there when I actually have time to.
Can you recommend any good learning sources other than