Actionscript 3.0 Question

In my website I have three pages. On each of the pages I have content that that fades in, then has a stop action, then has a fade out tween. What I would like to happen is when I click on a button that takes me to another section of my website for the content movie clip to start playing(it has already faded in and is at a stop action), finish it’s fade out tween, THEN, go to the other section of the site. This is what I have. I know this is incorrect. Any Ideas?



this.menuContainer.home_mc.buttonMode = true;
this.menuContainer.go_mc.buttonMode = true;
this.menuContainer.thankyou_mc.buttonMode = true;

this.menuContainer.go_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, goBtn);

function goBtn(e:MouseEvent):void
