Hi everybody,
Check out my website at http://www.adesdesign.net
Hope you will enjoy your stay at Ades Design. Please reply your comments here about the site. I would like to know what you think.
Regards Ades
Hi everybody,
Check out my website at http://www.adesdesign.net
Hope you will enjoy your stay at Ades Design. Please reply your comments here about the site. I would like to know what you think.
Regards Ades
It’s simple and very professional looking. The color scheme is trendy, but not too flashy which is good for this type of site. Great job. =)
it looks pretty cool! the colour scheme is nice, the layout is simple and clean, and very professinal-looking=)
oh… and awesome tutorials there :beam:
Thank you for the positive feedback electrongeek and ahmed. I appreciate it.
Have a nice Day.
Regards Ades
very clean and nice i love it! remember to set ur background bg as white. im seein grey cause of my color theme. very nice though i must say
Thanks slayerment for the suggestion, I have set it to white. That is the advantage of forums, sometimes you don’t see what people see or think. And thus you keep on improving. I appreciate it!
I think it’s a lovely design. I especially like the expanding file trees in the tutorial section, that’s a nice touch.
It’s clean and simple as well, which is good. Not over-powering or too Flash / graphic heavy.
Thanks Kitiara for your feedback. While designing my website my objective was to keep it simple, clean, user friendly yet stylish. I wanted to use little of this and little of that but not exceeding the limit that it became too flashy, or heavy to download. I wanted my visitors to have easy navigation and fast response time. I hope I could fulfill those objectives.
Have a nice day!
Ades Tynyshev
Excellent layout.
The corporate identity is definately there.
You might want to consider adding a “Sitemap” and “Search” links at the footer of your site, since no modern corporate web site can do without these links today
Hi =VALOR=, I am currently in the process of developing a search for my site, but sitemap I totally forgot (-: Thank you for reminding… When I was starting to design my site that was the first thing to remember, but once finished totally forgot to include…I:-) TQ
Have a Nice Day!
cool site ades!! great work! i am looking for sites w/ tutorials in Photoshop! tnx!
I have only two things to say:
1- is there any flash?
2- IMHO I think you can loose the dotted lines, I think they´re adding a weight and messing just a lil bit with the clean style of your site, nothing much tho :-\
Again, Great site!:A+:
Very nice site, Ades!
Great site,Just add a small sample of MX somewhere to show your talents.
Thank you ultramarc for droping by, I believe in the future I will have more tutorials on Photoshop.
Yes there are two projects I have done in flash, you can find them in my portfolio page. Other than that currently there is no flash in the website… :x
About the dotted lines I personally think they look not bad with the design. But thank you for your opinion.
akospapp thank you! (-:
joeytomatoes sure I will add some MX to my website, I am a little busy with my work, so I think that is a matter of time. Thank you for the suggestion though.
[COLOR=red]Thank You Everybody[/COLOR]
Personally, all I have to say it…
I love it dude, the colors are some of my favorite, the design is sleek and smooth and it is easy to navigate. I think it is great.
Thank you for the feedback lostinbeta. I appreciate it! :chinaman:
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