Webwasp has got this rather cool looking script posted that is supposed to allow you to open a browser window, AND allow you to define its width, height, etc – all from Flash!!
It’s posted here: http://www.webwasp.co.uk/tutorials/b12-pop-ups/popups.php
The problem is, I can’t get the darn thing to work! They’ve got an example swf posted on that page, and there is the option to download the source…but only if you PAY!
All the code is there, which I tried to copy and paste into my own file and publish, but it don’t work! (And yes, I did publish it as an html file and view it in the browser, and yes, I did have pop1.htm and pop2.htm files for Flash to open!)
I do realise there are other methods to doing this, but this one is so darn convenient as I will be having multiple buttons in the swf that will open different URLs in different windows and I’m ■■■■■■ if I’m gonna chock my html file (or .js) up with javascript functions for each button!
So… does anyone know how to get the webwasp thing to work?